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Saturday, December 24, 2011


(Shame on me for not posting in a while. But, I'm married and I work literally all day long.. so when I get home, I kind of like to spend time with my husband before we both fall asleep and repeat our busy work day.... SORRY!)

A few days ago, two sets of missionaries came into Red Robin for lunch. I was hosting that day so I got to greet them and show them to their table. About 10 minutes after seating them, I seated a party of 10 people right next to them. When the missionaries had recieved their food, a woman who was from the party of 10 came up to me and asked if she could take their bill and pay for it. I was just so shocked and so happy that someone would do something like that for them, especially since a tab for just one person could easily be $15 before tips and not including a dessert.

On Monday, one of my close friends came home from spending four months in China to teach english to younger children. While she's been gone, I've be stalking her facebook pictures and her blog like you wouldn't believe. She took four months of her life to spend it in a foreign country, with food she prolly wouldn't even like, with the possibility of having to work with people the she didn't like, learn a new language that makes my head go !@#$%^ -_-........ and she did it all and made it look like a breeze!

Alix and I welcoming home Miss Desiree

So what do these two stories have in common (besides missionary work)? They were in the service of the Lord by serving and helping His children. Neither Desiree(my friend) nor the woman from that party knew the children in China/the four missionaries, yet they went our of their way to take care of them, loved them, and treated them as if they had known them their whole lives.

The love of the Lord and Savior empowers us all whether we recognize it or not.

...maybe this whole post doesn't even make any sense... But, I wrote what I wanted and it makes sense to me, SO THERE :)

Just kidding <3

I'm just grateful for the service of others :)

Monday, December 5, 2011


Last night, my sister in-law and my nephews came over after she had dropped off her husband at the airport. We were just hanging out, baking and eating cookies, and just playing with the boys.

Here is what happened with my nephew, Sam.

I am thankful for families- they they can be together forever. I saw the savior in my nephews smiles last night. I saw it in my sister in-law as she played with and parented her children.

I see Him every day.