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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Visiting Teacher

I love my VT :)

She is the best. Really, she is. I'm so blessed! She always calls/texts me to go on outing for lunch or dessert just when I need it. I've had some really hard things happen lately and I've been pretty depressed about it for a while, but who wouldn't be? I'm usually the type of person to just brush it off and play the 'everything is okay' game, but when I come home I just break. Today I just tried to distract myself from reality and then I got a text from her asking to go out for a treat. Let me tell you, sugar never sounded so dang good. So we went out and I told her everything that was happening, and she just made me think of all the good that comes from trials. Which was a huge reminder that I needed.

I am strong enough to withstand this trial
At some point in time, I decided that I would be strong enough to handle this
It could always be worse..but I'm thankful that it's not!
Why am I so blessed? 
I have the courage and strength to look fear and 'all bad things' in the eye and say "this is not how it's going to be" 
There is a lesson to be learned from everything I've had to deal with

There is a reason I've had to deal with everything I've had to deal with
I am blessed beyond measure
I am loved beyond measure
I am a Daughter of a Heavenly King.. who knows what is happening
I've been taught exactly what not to do
I am thankful

Thank you, Lori

You're wonderful :)