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Monday, October 6, 2014

Kovu & Arizona!

So, it's October, and I am just now writing about Summer... it's been kind of crazy, okay! 

Wellllllllll, Jayson was gone for work for the entire summer. He left at the beginning of June and was gone until the end of August. So I was home with Nala by myself until about mid June, and then I moved into my in-laws again. Why? Well, we moved to Arizona :)

I absolutely love it here. It's beautiful, and sooooo much cheaper! Down side? Not close to Disneyland #boo. I think we'll stay here forever. Or at least, a long time. 

We have our first house and it is so nice to have a yard for Nala to run around in, especially because she has a baby brother! His name is Kovu :) 

Aren't they freaking adorable?! I mean, really. They love each other so much. Kovu is my "little buddy." He is seriously attached to my hip. If I get up off the couch, he climbs on top of the pillows and watches me to make sure I'm not leaving, and if I do he'll cry. If he wants to go for a walk he'll pull his leash off the door knob and drag it over to me. If I don't acknowledge him he'll tap me with his paw. He's Mr. Personality for sure! Oh, and if Nala even gets within arms length of me, Kovu will literally trample over the top of her and nuzzle himself right up next to me. Mr. Jealous McBossy-Pants here!! But it's okay, I still love Nala and Nala loves Jayson way more than me anyway :p 

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