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Monday, October 6, 2014

Kovu & Arizona!

So, it's October, and I am just now writing about Summer... it's been kind of crazy, okay! 

Wellllllllll, Jayson was gone for work for the entire summer. He left at the beginning of June and was gone until the end of August. So I was home with Nala by myself until about mid June, and then I moved into my in-laws again. Why? Well, we moved to Arizona :)

I absolutely love it here. It's beautiful, and sooooo much cheaper! Down side? Not close to Disneyland #boo. I think we'll stay here forever. Or at least, a long time. 

We have our first house and it is so nice to have a yard for Nala to run around in, especially because she has a baby brother! His name is Kovu :) 

Aren't they freaking adorable?! I mean, really. They love each other so much. Kovu is my "little buddy." He is seriously attached to my hip. If I get up off the couch, he climbs on top of the pillows and watches me to make sure I'm not leaving, and if I do he'll cry. If he wants to go for a walk he'll pull his leash off the door knob and drag it over to me. If I don't acknowledge him he'll tap me with his paw. He's Mr. Personality for sure! Oh, and if Nala even gets within arms length of me, Kovu will literally trample over the top of her and nuzzle himself right up next to me. Mr. Jealous McBossy-Pants here!! But it's okay, I still love Nala and Nala loves Jayson way more than me anyway :p 

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Giving Service

This weekend has been super crazy. We packed and moved me out of our apartment on Friday night, still had packing and cleaning to do on Saturday, plus a wedding that we were DJ-ing, more packing and cleaning, church on Sunday, and I finally grabbed the last few things this morning and turned in our keys. It's been a long and exhausting weekend. 

When we got home last night, Kerry (Jayson's mom), Jayson, and I talked about why Christ worked so hard and did all the hard work and served as much as he could while He was here. Service is hard at times, especially when you're already so tired from doing your own day to day tasks for yourself. To get up and go help someone else after you've had a long day yourself takes so much physical and spiritual strength. But why did He do it? Because He loves us. He knows that if He does it, it makes us happy. And that makes/made it worth it to Him, regardless of how tired He may have been. Regardless of what he had to sacrifice to serve us, He did it.

There really is not much to say other than service makes us happy and that's why He did/does it. I wish the world was more willing to sacrifice so others could be happy. For me personally I'm always too quick to say no to service, and then I end up wishing that I would have been more courageous or more Christlike and had just said "yes." 

I went to the dollar store a few weeks ago and this woman in front of me at the register had about 40 or so graduation balloons. She apologized to be because she felt bad that they had to scan each and every balloon, plus all of her other items before it would be my turn. I told her not to worry about it. As she left she made a comment about how she hoped she could get all of the balloons to her car without them blowing away, so I promised her that if she started to float away like The Balloon Boy, then I would come help bring her back to Earth. We both giggled and she walked out of the store. As I was walking to my car, I could still see her walking to her car with all of the balloons blowing in the wind. I thought to myself  'I hope she can get them all into her car okay.' When I got to my car and unlocked my door, I looked up and the woman had parked infront of me. I looked at her for a moment and thought "maybe I should get out and help her... No.. that would be weird. Her windows are tinted and I don't want to walk up and scare her.." So I closed my door, started my car, and drove away. 

As I drove home I kept thinking that I should have gone and helped her. Who cares if it would have looked weird to have a stranger walk up to you and offer help? Who cares if she would have said no? What if Christ didn't serve people? Ever? Think how different our world would be..

Now all I can think about is how much I hope that she was able to get her balloons in her car without losing any, or if she was able to get them all out of her car okay when she got home. I regret not taking the chance to serve her. I wish I would have been more Christlike.. 
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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Testimony Sunday: July 2014

On Tuesday, June 17th, Jayson and I had the opportunity to go with the youth in our ward to the Temple. It has been a while since Jayson and I have been able to go so I was really looking forward to being able to attend, and I had the best experience. 

As I was standing in the hallway, watching all of these young men and women prepare for the ordinances which were about to take place, I couldn't help but feel this overwhelming sense of gratitude. I was grateful for my Heavenly Father, for sending His only begotten Son to die for everyone on earth; for me, so that I could be standing there in that room. I was grateful for the unwavering faith of all the youth who go through so many trials every day and fight off the worldly distractions so that they could be worthy to come to the temple. I was grateful for the five young men who recently received their mission calls who could come and be an example to the other young boys who were with us that night. 

I looked at Jayson several times with tears in my eyes because if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be blessed with the opportunity I had to be within those walls.. and the only thing that he had to do was ask me a question. One simple question.. "Will you come to church with me?" 

Because of that one question, I learned more about The Book of Mormon

Because of that one question, I learned that I am a Daughter of God and He loves me more than I can begin to comprehend.

Because of that one question, I can look every trial I've ever had and will have and say with confidence that those/these trials do not define me..

Because of that one question, I learned that families can be together forever.

Because of that one question, I learned that I have a Savior.. who loves me so much that He was willing to die for me..

Because of that one question, I can stand within the walls of The Lords Holy house.. 

I am so eternally grateful for this gospel.. for the peace and comfort that it brings me. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet of God and that he leads and guides this church the way the Lord intends it to be. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son in the Sacred Grove and I am grateful that he had the maturity to ask Him in prayer at just 14 years old if this church is true.. I know that The Book of Mormon is true, because I have read it and prayed about it. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and has a plan for me. I know that I will one day be reunited with Him when my life here on earth is over, and I am so happy to know that death doesn't mean that I will be alone.. 

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

-Shake My Head- Disneyland...

Before I start this post, let me just say this...
..big surprise, right? 

I was reading this post from my fried Brooklyn about things that first timer Disneyland go-ers should know. While I was reading, I was thinking about the things that bug me about Disneyland. My poor husband hears me rant about this all the time, and I can find a valid explanation for some of my "complaints" from a business stand point... but these are some things that just makes my skin bubble..
  1. Long Lines
    Okay, I totally understand that the rides are amazing are so worth the wait. But can someone please explain to me why there needs to be a 3 hour wait for a ride that lasts maybe 5 minutes tops? Or did we all just completely forget how to walk or lift our butts off the seats at the end of the ride...
  2. Rope DropAm I the only one who thinks that having a rope at the end of Main Street is a dumb idea? Yes? Well.. think about this. Rope drop is one loooooong rope at the end of Main Street. If you want to go to Tomorrowland, you move toward the right. If you want to go to Adventureland, you go to the left. So now we've stuffed hundreds of people with strollers/wheelchairs/backpacks/etc. onto Main Street and we're practically hugging each other from behind a little closer than anyone is comfortable with.. #awkward. MOVE THE DANG ROPE. We fatty Americans need some breathing room... So why not have a rope at each entrance to each of the different lands? #ProblemSolved
  3. Food Prices
    Like I said, business side of things..over priced water makes sense. But as a guest... $4 for water? Really? I mean.. come on.. 
  4. Luigi's Flying Tires
    Okay.. if you guys took this ride away from Disneyland in the 1960s.. WHY WOULD YOU BRING IT BACK? #It'sStillADumbRide
  5. Ticket Price Increase
    Ohhhh this makes me so angry.. 
    So you've raised the prices to hopefully gain better crowd control.. I get it. But lets look at it this way:

    Prices before the changed rate:
    Most likely crowded 90% of the year which means ridiculous lines for anything and everything. For us guests = Suck Fest. For you as a business? More people=more money.

    Am I the only one who thinks that with the increased rate change, even if the crowds were better controlled, there would be more days of an 'empty' park? Which is great for us guests, but on the business side.. you now have less people buying tickets, which means there are less people in your park, which means you're making less money. In the words of Timon, "Did I miss something?" 
...rant over. 

 But I'm still going in 28 days. 
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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Husband!!

t w e n t y  f o u r
Today is a day to celebrate for sure :]
my cute husband is 24 years old
...that just blows my mind. 
We met about two months after he turned 18. 
I remember the first time we celebrated his birthday together like it happened yesterday.
I was leaving a YSA activity and going to the store to get a ton of balloons for him and I was all dressed up and this guy who was giving me balloons gave me his number and I said "uh.. I don't need this, the balloons are for my boyfriend.." #awkward

I remember going to his house to play games and eat cake and he stood up on a chair while we sang to him and kept rocking back and forth like a little kid with the giant smile on his face. He made his wish, blew out his candles, and then immediately asked all of us to do it again. I kind of looked at him like "Really dude? You're 19!" but his family just kind of giggled. Then he asked me if I had ever seen this video of him: 

I apologize for the horrible video quality..
couldn't find the original file, so I recorded it with my phone from Facebook

If our kids are half as cute as he is... ohmyheck <3
Happy Birthday Babefry! I'm sad we can't be together today to celebrate, but I hope you have the best day and I am so excited to spend many many many more birthdays with you! I love you oodles and oodles of noodles!!

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