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Monday, April 15, 2013

Life of a young and married Nanny

Oh, hello world

I still exist, I promise

I don't even remember the last thing that I wrote about honestly.. 
Oh well.
 Life hasn't really been all that exciting lately..
But I'll post what has happened as of late:

Did I ever mention that I got a job as a Bridal Consultant?
Wellllllll I did. Hah. 
and let me tell you, it was probably the most fun I have had in a while
Seeing all of these gorgeous gowns and getting to lay eyes on them the moment they came out of the box..
Unfortunately, my manager was a liar and quite frankly, a sorry excuse for a 'manager'
but somehow he's been able to keep his store alive for 27 years... 
good for him I guess..

So I quit

Almost got my previous nanny job back, 
but she decided to put her daughters into full-time preschool!
Which is so great because those two angles are so ridiculously smart for their age! 

So I was unemployed for a solid two months
But hey, at least I could focus on my online classes a but more

My baby brother turned eighteen at the end of March

Where in the world is my little shrimp?!
I can't believe how fast those 18 years went.. 

My home teacher called me during an interview 
and BEGGED me not to accept the new position
So I could work for him instead
And now I nanny for his 3 beautiful wittle childwen
and I love them to pieces

My Sister-in-law and her family came to visit last week
and we went to the beach! 

oh how I love my home state..
I am so blessed to have grown up in SoCal
This will forever be my home

I know, I know..
We haven't even been home for a year
We're going to Denver :)
Yep, Jayson's mission!
We leave 15 days from today
He has a summer internship with ADT security
and we get to live in a cozy little hotel Denver
(did I mention that already??)


  1. Hi Ashley and Jason! A voice from the's Katie! I wanted to just tell you I wish you both the best of luck in Denver, and pray your mission goes great! I tried-again-to date your father-but it is just not meant to be. Christina is doing great and is already applying to several colleges back East(she graduates next year). If you wish to ever touch base-I set this up to come from my email account. Take care you two, and God Bless! :)

  2. Hi katie!!!! So good to hear from you! Tell christina I wish her the best of luck in her college applications! Miss you so much!!!
