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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Conversion Story: Part 1

Let's start off with how I met my cute hubby:

It was the day of orientation for my Junior year of high school (August 2008). I was with my friend Hannah at the time and we decided that we wanted to grab lunch after orientation was over. I told her about this guy that worked at Johnny Rockets that I thought was super cute so I convinced her to go with me so we could hopefully see him. 

Long story short, he was there! I ended up leaving my number for hm, he texted me and we continued to text for the rest of his work shift while I sat in the movie theater with Hannah and watched listened to 'The Dark Knight.' When the movie was over,  we decided that we wanted to meet up after he got off work so we could talk and get to know each other better.

We met outside of the movie theater at the Janss Mall and talked about pretty much anything you can think of.. What's your favorite food, what are your hobbies, what do you do for fun, do you play sports, what schools did you attend, why do we look so familiar, the time our school one spirit night, what classes am I taking this year, who is your favorite teacher, do you have any pets, etc.,

Finally we got onto the subject of religion. Jayson asked me if I believed in God. I said yes. He asked me if I believed in Jesus Christ. Again, yes. He asked me if I went to church. I told him no, but I wish that I had been. I asked him if he goes to church. He said yes. I asked him which one. He said, the Mormon church. 

I feel like I looked at him with a terrified face.. the only thing that I knew (or thought I knew) about the church was that they have crazy strict rules, and don't date before they were sixteen. I don't think I even responded to him.. I was sort of scared and didn't know exactly what to say but I was open to hearing about it. 

Before I even had a chance to respond, he smiled a half smile, took a deep breath and said,"Will you go to church with me on Sunday?'

My face light up.
I said "Yes"

... to be continued
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