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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fresh Start

i have been having a computer-fight
for the past three freaking hours
RAWR -_-

I got ridiculously inspired to fix up my blog
add some things
subtract some things
and get it more

i need sleep...

Anyway, so I recently changed the title and URL of my blog.
Well, the title of my last blog made me feel like I only had to post things that pertained to the title..
which seemed like that defeated the whole purpose of blogging
plus, I follow a few other blogs that have gotten me inspired to start truly blogging

I do have a family blog for my husband and I
but nothing super duper interesting really happens.
Well, they do..but my inspiration on a family blog is from my sister-in-law, Brittny, and her family blog
but she has two adorable sons under the age of two to blog about..
I don't have kids yet....

So anyway, I'm making some changes to my blog.
The inspiration comes from:

Mrs. Daryl Lindsey Schmidt

Seriously, follow her.
You won't be disappointed

And ya, welcome to my newish blog

I'll do better at updating.
Pinky Promise

P.S. Every post prior to this one is from my old 'title' of this blog
Formerly known as "The Savior In My Life"

Those posts are pretty bomb if you ask me
Just little tid bits of recognizing the love of my savior in my life



  1. I am so flattered! Love the changes you're making girlfriend.

  2. Thanks girl!! I may steal your idea about having guest bloggers.. haha.
