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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Young and Married

Ashley Rose Anderson

Yep, that's my new name!

So being nineteen and married... what the heck was I thinking? I was thinking how amazing my husband is and how blessed I am to be married to him.

But I'm too young?

Here is why
[in my opinion]

Marriage doesn't depend on how old you and your spouse are. What do I mean? Well, my family always told me to wait 'till I'm older' to be married. And they never gave me a reason why, all they said was 'because you'll end up getting divorced.'

(Just so you know, only two couples in my family are still married. My grandparents on my dad's side and my aunt and uncle on my mom's side. Everyone else is either still single or divorced)

So back to what I said earlier. Marriage doesn't depend on how old you and your spouse are. Any relationship depends on constant dedication from both people 100% of the time.
It takes hard work, trust, love, and communication.
[AKA- the dedication]

Yes, I am young, and I don't know everything there is to know about life/family/marriage/etc. but that's just it. I'm young, and I don't know all those things, but I am learning.

Jayson is young too. He will be twenty-two this June. But he is learning, he is honest, loving, and dedicated to this relationship and making it work. I believe that's what it takes. I've seen my family go through divorce and let me tell you up front, it is depressing to watch them just flat out give up on each other. And that's why they got divorced- because they gave up!

When you marry someone, you make a promise.
Not just one, but several.

To love and cherish them
To stand by their side through thick and thin
To always work things out
To stand up for one another
To learn and grow together
To love and be loved in return

No one is perfect, and there is no such thing as a perfect marriage,
but mine is exactly what I wanted.

No, I did not wear a white dress that I've dreamed about all my life
I did not wake up six hours before my wedding to do my hair and make up
I did not have a lavish ceremony or reception
I only have about 10 photos of the ceremony
I did not have a guest list or a cake
Or a dance floor or a first dance
I didn't have any of that

I had what I wanted...
Promising to be mine forever.

But don't get the wrong idea, a Temple Marriage is definitely in the plan book for us.
And it will happen.

That's when I'll find the perfect white wedding gown that will make me cry.
That's when I'll seal myself to my husband for time and all eternity
That's when I'll have the hundreds of photos to remember the sacred covenants we made
That's when I will actually force my hair to curl and stay that way for a whole day
That's when I'll get my make up professionally done.

But even if I get all of that and have that 'dream wedding'.....
the only thing that will matter to me is that when I'm kneeling across the alter,
I'll be holding the hands of the most perfect man that my Heavenly Father has blessed me with

Jayson Curtis Anderson


  1. Awwwww :) This made me get goosebumps! :) You two are seriously so perfect for each other :) I love you two <3

  2. Thanks girlie! :) I love you & Preston!!

  3. Yeah I was pretty much almost crying when you were talking about the Temple sealing part.
    Who knows..I may have my endowments by then and will be able to come.

  4. aw alix :) haha. girrrrl you better come!!! :D its gonna be in california though.... haha

  5. Hey I only just found this blog through the 'I have a Returned Missionary' group. I LOVE this post. Thanks so much for sharing :)
    - Love Chrissie from [Living a Fairytale]
