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Monday, February 6, 2012

"Ashhhhhhhh I LOVE!"

[insert picture of Preston and my other kiddies here]
We're not allowed to take pictures of the kids.....
Which makes sense, because it protects them
Cause once they're picture is on the internet, its stuck forever
But I still want pictures :/

For those of you who don't know, I work in a preschool. I primarily teach in the 4-5 year old class, as well as the 18month-24month old class. Well today, I didn't get to go to either class! I had to help out in the 2-3 year old class because one of their teachers was sick. I was really bummed, because I have a special bond with my kids and they just light up my day!

Anyway, so at recess today, my 18month-24month old 'Guppies' were out on the playground, so I ran over to go say hi. Preston, who is about two years old, looked up at me, dropped his bucket, smiled the biggest smile I had ever seen, and ran over to me faster than all the other kids. For the first time ever, he shouted, "Ashhhhh I LOVE!" and gave me the biggest hug ever. :) That really made my day for a few reasons. One, I missed those kids so much, especially him, and he can talk, but I have never ever heard him say one word since I've been working there (which has only been a month, but still!). When he talks, he nods his head, or uses sign language for 'please' and 'thankyou' and when he understands you, he smiles. If he doesn't just know, and if he's sad he puts his hands over his eyes. He's a cute kid for sure.

Well, I love that kid. I love all my kids, but seeing things like this happen just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :)

Kids really are God's greatest blessing, even if they aren't yours.

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