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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Three Years Ago Today

-phone rings-
Hello Ashley Rose

...Hi mom

I just wanted to tell you I'm celebrating my anniversary

...of what?

Leaving your idiot father. Three Years ago today


Well... that was a nice reminder.. I guess...?
So my parents officially separated three years ago today.
In a way, I'm sad.. but I am actually more happy than not.


Well, I'll tell you

Its sad to me that I cannot remember a day when my parents didn't fight. They fought about everything. The outfit my mother wore, why my dad was still in bed sleeping, the jelly my mom bought from the store, why my dad wouldn't get off the computer to drive me to school, how come my mom had to go to the gas station every other day, why my brother and I were eating goldfish when we knew it was banned from our house (because apparenly it makes you fat), why I had a pet snake, etc., etc., etc. It was ridiculous.

I'm not gonna go into the details of why my family got divorced, but ever since then my relationship with my parents has been...well.. shot to hell. And that's saying it nicely.

I trusted my mom more than anyone. I literally told her everything. She was like my best friend and I stood up for her every time my dad yelled at her or my brother hit her. That is, until I found out all the lies she had told me my whole life. All that time, I thought it was her who ruined everything in my family, and tricked me into blaming it all on my dad. Once I found out the truth in her lies, I took my dads side of the argument and treated my mom sooooo poorly.

My dad and I never had a good relationship. He was never the dad that made me feel like I was daddy's little princess, and he never helped me financially the two times I asked him, and it wasn't like I was asking him for hundreds of dollars. I'm talking like.. ten bucks to get gas so I could get to school.. We always fought, yet he never gave a crap about where I was and what I was doing...unless I was gone past 10pm until I was seventeen at which point I came and left the house as often as I wanted without telling him.

Over the summer, we got into another fight and I just flat out told him that I couldn't handle this. I moved out and there wasn't a single thing he could do about it. I got married and was living my own life, the way I wanted, with no drama. I cut ties with my mom for a little bit so I could work on my own life, and that's when I completely cut ties with my dad, for good. His girlfriend called me and told me that he had been cheating on her for the entire year and a half they were dating, because she found emails on his computer; emails that were from a few years before my parents started considering to split up. That sickened me. I had blamed my mom for everything when it was both of them all along. I was so hurt to hear that my dad had been lying to me too when he heard me cry my heart out after what my mom had done to our family, and he still had the balls to lie to my face, and lie to my brother too!

Not too long after I moved out, my dad accused me of being pregnant, and said that that was the reason I moved out. Uhm, I think if I was pregnant, I would have known first...

So anyway, I wasn't too thrilled with the phone call I had with my mother because I really did not need flash backs of the split up. But I am still so glad they split up. It was much better living in a house where I didn't speak much to my dad and was able to do basically what I wanted, rather than hearing them fight 24/7. And I literally mean 24/7. I'm just thankful for the whole process because it taught be a lot about trust, honesty, communication, and relationships. I know exactly what not to do or say to people and how to really build a strong family foundation for my own family.

Now, how many people would say they're thankful their parents split up?

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