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Friday, February 3, 2012

The Lords Plan

(typography by me)

Inspired by a conversation I had with one of my good friends, Alix Paige.

When I was younger, and had gone through several rough relationships and break ups, I always wondered when or if I would ever find someone who would ever consider marrying me. I would sit at the park by my house and watch people walk by and wonder 'maybe my future husband is some how related to them.' You know what I mean? You never know where that person is.. they could go to the same school as you, you could meet them at a grocery store, it could be the ride operator at Disneyland, or that one guy who drove past you when you were walking to your car at the mall. You just never know. Mine happened to be a waitor at a 50s diner who lived seven minutes away from me, and was 'one of those crazy mormons.' Trust me, I wasn't expecting that one to happen... but I'm grateful for the Lord's timing and the man whom He chose to send me.

The number one thing that I always try to remember is that the Lord has a time and a place for everything. For example, no matter how bad I wanted to know if my current crush 'the one,' I know that the Lord would show me who he was when He wanted to and when He needed me to know, but until then I had to learn and see what type of relationship I was really looking for. I got into some pretty messy relationships and friendships, and I was taunted by Satan so many times. All the while, it was the Lord trying to just get through my thick hotheadedness and basically say:
"Hey girl, what are you doing....."

Then along came Mr. Amazing. Whom was also spending time after time on his knees, asking the Lord where the woman was that he needed in his life.

Then on August 18th, 2008
We met :)

Did I have any idea at all that he was LDS?

Did I ever think I would even step foot inside and LDS church or pick up that crazy blue book? Ya right..

And whats worse than that?!
I fell for the stupid Mormon...

Greatest blessing of my life
I knew my life was missing something, I just wasn't sure what it was... but the Lord knew. Meeting Jayson seriously changed my life in so many ways, besides that I'm now his wife. But it literally saved my life. I was struggling a lot with my parents starting to decide that it was time for them to get divorced, and I was getting lost in drugs and alcohol and hanging out with the wrong people at all the wrong times. I was destroying my life before it even started. I was watching it crumble before my eyes, and justifying the way I lived it. I was destroying myself. Completely.

I strongly believe that the Lord places people in your life for a reason when you need that reason most. I believe that Jayson was placed before me to show me that I needed to know just how much my Father in Heaven loved me, and that He had a plan for me. Once I understood that completely, it changed my life around. And I am forever thankful.

So enough about my iffy life and such. Jayson spent long nights on his knees praying for me, while I said prayers in my heart, asking where he was. When the Lord needed us to meet, he placed us in each others lives, just the way He intended it.

So like I said, you never know where your significant other is, or who they are. They may be your neighbor whose praying on their knees right this very moment. The important thing is, you have to know, trust, and believe with all your heart that you Father in Heaven will place that person before you when He believes you are ready.

Just be patient.

(typography by me)

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