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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Disney and The Gospel

Remember how I said I can relate almost anything to Disney?
Well, I've made several references to the Gospel before
and Jayson usually rolls his eyes at me..
 because he is so socked that I can, infact, find some way to relate the two

Well, here is another perfect example:

How Tangled is related to us being Daughters/Sons of a Heavenly King

You may also remember when I wrote this post,
which summarized a boadcasted devotional
that related The Lion King to turning to our Father in Heaven about who we are

Remind me again how Disney doesn't relate to the Gospel?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Royal Weddings & Engagements

Am I really at that point in my life where all of my single friends graduate to my Engaged/Married friends list? 
This is nuts..
In the past two years I think I can easily name 15+ friends that have gotten married. 
But I am so happy for all of them :) 

And now, I get to add even more to this list!!!

I'm so excited for all of you :)
and I am so happy!

We're all young, but we're very blessed to have found that perfect man or wonderful wife whom we get to spend eternity with, and I'm excited to follow your journey with you all


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Last Skype

Jayson and I couldn't go up to Utah with Cody to say goodbye to him before he entered the MTC, and Kyle (Jayson's brother) had to stay home because he's been super sick lately. So Curtis (Jayson's dad) Skyped us from his phone as they were pulling into the MTC so we could say our final goodbyes. 

Bye Elder, We love you!
(P.S. Jayson is bummed he was stuck at work and missed this..)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Elder Anderson

Another Anderson has left on a mission
Jayson's brother, Cody!
He's serving in the New Jersey, Morristown Mission
Spanish Speaking
He reports tomorrow, February 6th, 2013
I miss him already! When he got set apart last night, I couldn't believe that he was old enough to serve a mission. When I first met him, he was a freshmen in high school, and I was a junior. I'm just so amazed and impressed at how much he has grown up over the past five years. I'm so proud of him and the example that he is to his family, friends, ward family, and so many others. I'm impressed with the choices he has made to stay on a path of worthiness to enter the temple and to prepare to serve the Lord full time. I hope he never loses that... I hope he always strives to be a better person every day. He really truly is so blessed beyond measure. 

Although I know the next two years will be the best two years and that they will fly by faster than I can imagine, I am going to miss the time we could be sharing together. Lately, me, him, and Jayson have been hanging out more around the house or going on random drives around town. Jayson thinks I know practically every song that comes on the radio, but trust me... Cody knows way more. It's funny because every time a song comes on, I sing it obnoxiously to Jayson just to bug him, but when Cody is with us, he does it even worse (and it's usually a rap song.) I also remember when we went to Magic Mountain the day after my birthday, and we all decided to go on Tidal Wave. Jayson, me, Erik, and Ashleigh were in one boat and Cody, Kyle, and Janie were in the one behind us. Cody was the tallest one on the boat and he definitely let the entire boat know. As our boat was going up the ramp, Cody shouts "THAT'S MY SISTER-IN-LAW!! HEEEYYY!! ASHLEY!! HEYY!! LOVE YOU SIS!!!" I think that was the first time he reffered to me as his sister..haha. I'll miss that. But I am excited for him to come home and share all of his experiences with us :)

See you in two years, Elder <3

your sister-in-law :)

Oh and by the way, I'm proud to say "THAT'S MY [BROTHER]-IN-LAW!! HEEEYYY!! CODY!!! HEYY!