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Friday, June 21, 2013

Denver Adventures

Man, I wish I had more pictures of Denver...

But truth be told, we haven't had a chance to do much exploring. I work Monday-Friday and I'm pretty beat once I get off work. Plus, Jayson works until almost 10:00pm and he also works on Saturday, which is my only day off... So we hardly ever have the chance to get out of our room and see the city.

I managed to take a picture of Downtown after I picked up Jayson from work

 (the quality is horrible because Jayson was driving while I took it)

We had the chance to see the temple a few weeks ago :) I picked up Jayson from the far end of Highlands Ranch (which is the same area that I work) and as we were driving home, I saw the Angel Moroni from the freeway and got super excited! Ever since then, I had begged Jayson to take me to see it :) Since Sunday was really our only day we had time to go, and we were already dressed in appropriate attire, we decided to drive over. Luckily the gate was open, so we walked around the temple together. It was beautiful. It took my breath away and reminded me just how lucky I am to be here on this earth. 

Denver Colorado LDS Temple

Last weekend we had some time to our self for once, which was super nice! Our hotel is right next to the train (which is basically the Metro Link or the TRAX). We decided to take it down to County Line to chck out the mall. It was fun because we got to hang out with Jayson's co-workers, the Carolina boys - Joseph and Tyson. We had taken it downtown the week before to check out 16th street which had cute little shops and took us right past Broncos Stadium! So cool to finally see that stadium... I can't wait to go to a game some day.

Today of all days has been a lot of fun. Last night, we moved into a house that we are renting with Jayson's co-workers- Jesse, Joe, and Dane. Being in a house of all boys is pretty interesting... haha. It's a good thing we all get along so well or else we would have problems ;) I love these guys. I'm actually going to be kind of sad when the summer is over, because Dane is getting married and who knows where he'll go, Jesse will be in Utah and Joe will be back on the east coast :( Sad...

 But I'm still excited to go home and see my kids that I nanny, The Holts!! 

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