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Monday, July 1, 2013

#ShayLoss 5 Week Challenge

Hello Angel Faces I the only one who follows Jenna Marbles?

As some of you have more than likely noticed, but also have been way too polite to say anything, I'm sad to say that I've gained about 15 pounds since Jayson and I have been married

15 pounds?!
Why are you freaking out?!?!!


You're right, it is nothing. But to me? 15 pounds may as well be 100! This is the "biggest" I have ever been in my entire life. I've always maintained a healthy weight of about 130-135lbs. I've always been able to eat whatever I want, literally, and it's never affected me. I've always felt comfortable in my skin,
but as of lately, that's been quite the opposite. As I said, I've gained 15 pounds and grown a full pant size in two years and I feel disgusting..

I used to live off of McDonald's in Junior High.That's because I would get out of school at 3:15pm, only have 45 minutes before I would go teach at my karate studio and then I would be there for 4 hours training and teaching, so I would "work off" the yuckness that my body consumed. After I stopped training, I still ate whatever I wanted and ended up getting heavily addicted to Diet Coke..

When I first realized that I could no longer fit into any of my size five jeans that I owned, I was upset but I just brushed it off of my shoulders. Then as Jayson and I were packing for Colorado, I tried on my favorite pair of capris and was literally in tears when I couldn't pull them up my thighs.. That was the most heart breaking feeling I have ever had in my life. I just stood in the mirror and looked at how "disgusting" it was that I couldn't pull them up any higher.

Now before you all freak out, just step into my shoes for a minute. I don't think that I'm fat. I don't think that I am over weight, and I don't think that I'm unhealthy. But for me, personally, and my body type.. I am not what I consider to be "healthy" for what I've always been. Does that make sense?? Anyway, once Jayson and I moved out here, I was determined to get back into shape. I became so fixated on being able to walk up a flight of stairs without running out of breath. I wanted so bad for that "bird-arm" to get toned. I wanted so bad for my "stomach pooch" to go away. I just wanted to feel comfortable in my own skin. I couldn't even wear a bathing suit in front of my own husband without feeling uncomfortable..

I ended up convincing Jayson to weasel in a 24 Hour Fitness gym pass into our budget. For the first week, Jayson and I went ever night after work, consistently. The next week, "mother nature" kicked in and lezbihonest (bonus points if you caught that reference), what girl goes to the gym during that time?! After that, we both stopped going. I tried eating healthier, but then that chocolate ice cream in our freezer just kept calling my name after long days at work.

I woke up one morning and was just sick of my constant excuses to not get in shape. My constant justifications for filling my mouth with junk and crap that would make me feel ever worse after eating it. Shortly after, my favorite YouTube family, The ShayTards, came up with a brilliant idea. ShayCarl, the husband of the family, has another YouTube channel called ShayLoss where he posts videos of his journey through weight loss. Shay has been blogging for the past 4 years and during that time has gotten back in shape and even ran a marathon! All while holding callings in church, being a YouTube sensation, constantly going to meeting for YouTube channels, hosting events like the Monsters University, Blue Carpet Premiere, all while taking care of his four children and helping his sweet wife, Colette, with their fifth baby boy that's on the way! Can you tell I'm kind of obsessed with this family?! Anyway, his younger brother Logan came down to California to live with them for a while, so Shay and Logan came up with the 5 Week Challenge.

The 5 Week Challenge started on Monday, June 24th and is going until August 1st. Basically, they are making a video every day of the week (Monday-Friday) to help get us YouTube subscribers motivated to change our eating habits and working out daily. It's been super helpful! Especially since they make videos about at-home workout that you can do. Unfortunately, working out at home just doesn't work for me because I get too easily distracted. So I've been going to the gym instead.

I took some "before" pictures but for obvious reasons, I won't be posting them. I've been to the gym every day this week and have started to watch what I eat. I have also been completely off soda for 16 days! I am so excited and happy about this :) My goal is to just be able to fit into my capris when I get home so I can wear them to Disneyland.

Wish me luck!!


  1. Girl I can't tell you how much I agree. I'm so glad you posted about this.

    As I'm sitting here, I'm getting prepped to tell Brady that I want to measure my waist, my legs, my arms, my bust line. everything. i'm tired of looking at a scale and seeing numbers. I want to pay attention to inches instead of pounds, even though they'd still be good.

    lets motivate each other cause I really need to lose weight. I'm not happy the way I am, and i want to be comfortable looking to way I do, and i don't. which makes me sad because brady thinks i'm beautiful but i definitely don't feel beautiful.

    love you. good luck!

  2. Girl, I just love you. I seriously wish we lived close again so we could work out together. And I COMPLETELY understand how you feel. I'm disgusted with the way I look. I feel like every time I put a shirt on, I just look right at my tummy..and it's nasty.. Poor Jayson tells me every day that I'm beautiful and I just sit there and respond with "You have to say that, you're married to me." gahhh... so not a healthy way of thinking..

    And the hardest part is that the natural man tries SO HARD to look skinny and fit and healthy that we ALL forget that we're just lucky to even have a body! but at the same time its like "ya, I have a body...and I should take care of it.."

