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Friday, July 19, 2013

Flash-Back-Friday: 20th Birthday

I posted about this last year.. but I'm posting about it again!

One year ago this Sunday,

Jayson and I moved from Salt Lake City back home to California
I can't believe its already been that long!!

When we moved home, we really wanted to see our friends before we started work, but by the time we had seen our families and celebrated my birthday with my family, we were about to go to Disneyland for my birthday. I started calling and texting everyone, asking if they wanted to get together but they were either busy, didn't answer, or didn't want to hang out. I told them I wanted to get together for my birthday and I still got the same response :( Sad, Right?

By about 5pm that day, I told Jayson that I wanted to just stay home. We had so many chores to get done and we needed to wake up early the next day to go to Disneyland. He told me that was fine, but that his brother Cody had wanted to go to Chili's with us because he had a coupon for queso dip. He finally convinced me to go, but I didn't want to take the time and effort to get all dressed up. I mean, we were just going with his brother.. I don't need to look "pretty" to go out. But here's where it gets interesting.. Jayson really likes my natural hair-unstraightened. I think he's nuts, so I almost never go a day without straightening it. We had a conversation a few weeks prior to this that I should just try to go a few weeks without touching it and see if it tames itself naturally... I finally agreed since my new job would be me working with kids, so I would have it pulled back anyway. It took us a loooong time to get over that 'discussion.' So that night, when I decided to just leave my hair alone, he mad a HUGE deal about the fact that I wouldn't put make up on or straighten my hair. I was a little more than frustrated, because we had just had this huge talk about it. I held my ground and told him that I wasn't going to 'get dressed up' just to go eat dinner for an hour and then come home and go to bed. He tried getting dressed up with a button up shirt and tie, hoping that would make me want to get dressed up more, but all that did was make me change out of my sweat pants and put on a pair of nicer jeans.

About 10 minutes before we left, Cody left the house and said he would meet us there. I told Jayson that it makes no sense for us to wait to leave and we should just leave too, but he kept telling me he had finances to run on the computer before we left. I didn't think anything unusual was happening, because he checks our finances pretty frequently.

We finally left and he called Cody to let him know that we were just pulling into the parking lot. Again, still didn't think anything of it because he was asking where Cody was sitting. Then we got out of the car and I saw a big black truck drive by. I didn't think much of it.. I just thought it looked cool, but then Jayson saw me looking at it. So he grabbed my hand and RAN inside Chili's. I thought he was just being cute and having fun with me (I'll explain why he did that in a bit). We got inside and started walking toward the table. I was looking for Cody as I walked, and then I noticed my friend Karla sitting at a table. I got super upset, because when I asked her if she wanted to do anything, she told me she had to do some stuff at home and couldn't. By the time I had thought about why she told me she couldn't hang out, I also noticed Sarah..and Chris..and Lilly..and soon realized that every person sitting at the table were people I had called and told me that they were busy. As I realized that, they all shouted SURPRISE! At first I was like "who the heck are they talking to?" and then I realized that they were talking to me.

sorry for the watermark, I used a trial version of editing software to get the 2 videos put together

So my first surprise party was a success. 
I'm glad my friends "lied" to me just to surprise me :p
 But man, I wish I would have listened to my husband and gotten dressed up for dinner.. oops. 
Thanks again guys, that was such a fun night :)

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