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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Reading Challenge 2014: The Book of Mormon

Let's do this together :]

Well, what better way to start off the new year than by committing to reading The Book of Mormon? I'll be honest. I am the WORST scripture reader. I don't mean that I can't pronounce half the words in the scriptures (which is entirely true but besides the point...), I mean that I almost never read. It's so bad. Forgive my lack of reading..

As I was cleaning out my church bag and preparing it with new materials for my primary class, I found my scripture study journal. I looked inside, ashamed that it had been a while since I had done any studying, and found a schedule for a reading challenge I had found online. I was really good about sticking with it for about a week, and then I never went back to it. I decided that starting January 1st, I am going to start and complete my challenge!!

The challenge that I am going to participate in is called 
40 Days & 40 Nights
This challenge has a list of scriptures for you to read morning and night and has a highlighted scripture/chapter for you to focus on. As I said, I don't remember where I found the reading list, but if you are interested in joining in, you can email me at aanderson[at]gmail[dot]com and I will be happy to email you the schedule :] I have one for The Book of Mormon and one for the New Testament! 

If you're looking for something a little easier...
Check out my friend Ashley's cute idea for her 2014 Challenge
Her's is broken down so you can finish the BoM by the end of 2014! All you have to do is ready 4.5 pages a day! It's easy!!

So join me, brothers & sisters :]

Tell me about your experience
Share with me what you have learned!! 

Follow me & my experiences on Twitter
Email me at aanderson805[at]gmail[dot]com

Or comment below :] 


  1. love that you're sharing this!:) I think sharing about reading the scriptures and how it makes us feel is such a wonderful thing!

  2. I really need. this Having someone to check in with will also help. Here is the link There are different versions of the challenge that you can select.
