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Monday, July 30, 2012

Distance means so little

Most people seem to think that distance means a little.
Others think it means a lot.
In this case, it means both.

Nina Bany (Anderson)

Nina and I met in 2011 at an MG 4th of July party that another wonderful MG had back in Utah. Well, now that I think about it, I think she ended up picking me up from the Gateway Mall and then driving me to the party? ANYWAY, back to the story. SO ever since that party, we determined ourselves to be long lost sister-in-laws. Her missionary's last name is Anderson and was mine ;) She lives in St. George, and I live a whopping 427 miles away. We were so bummed that we probably wouldn't see each other again until we were both married and moved out of our parents houses. Well, then I moved to Salt Lake City. We tried a few times to meet up but with the way our lives were going at the time, we never had a moment to get together. The week before Jayson and I moved home, I threw a going away party and invited the MG's from Taelor's 4th of July party that I met last year. I sent Nina a request knowing that she probably wouldn't be able to come but I wanted her to know that I wanted her to be there if she had lived closer. Never once did I think that she would actually make the drive up here. But she did. She drove 302 Salt Lake. She's insane. Literally. I can't drive for more than an hour and a half by myself. She drove for almost 5 hours...alone! On a Friday night!

There are those people who say they'll make the drive, and then there are those who actually so make that drive. Actions speak louder than words. I'm certain I wasn't the only reason she drove up to Salt Lake that weekend, but the fact that she did, just to say bye to me, just to hang out for a few hours, on a weekend where it was raining cats and dogs, meant the world to me. It was such a small thing, but it meant so much to me. She really truly is one of those friends who I can count on no matter what. I can honestly say that I have 2 friends who would probably go to the ends of the earth for me and back (besides my husband) and she is definitely one of them. I'm just so blessed to have a friend like her. A friend that literally will drop everything just to make some simple 5 hour gathering of eating junk food, talking about life, and laughing hysterically. I cannot even find the words to express how grateful I am not only for her, but for my Father in Heaven who blessed me with such a wonderful friend like Nina. We only ever talk online, we've seen each other twice in the past two years, but she understands so much about me and she really has been there whenever I needed someone.

Nina.....Sister Anderson ;) I just love you to pieces!

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