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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Surprise Party: 20th Birthday

Jayson and I moved home about a week and a half ago. Since we had moved home, we saw my family, moved into Jayson's parents house, looked for jobs, looked for a new apartment, went to the DMV, etc. We hadn't had a chance at all to meet up with any of our friends since we had been home. We kept making plans, but things would fall though mostly because a lot of our friends were either getting married, apart of other weddings that have been happening, coming home from school/missions, or leaving for school/missions. Lets just say, it's been crazy for everyone.

This morning, I was just mad at everything. I blame it on stress and PMS, but I literally was being a crazyhead. I think it started at the DMV.. I went to get a new California Drivers License and the lady wouldn't change my name to Anderson because I have to change it at the Social Security office...yada yada yada... and I was just super ticked because a) Utah had no problems changing my name and I didnt have to go to the SSO to do it , b) I've been married for almost a year, and c) She tried to tell me my marriage license was invalid! -_- umm, LADY, I GOT MARRIED IN VENTURA COUNTY! aksdhfkjashfdak!!!! Ugh, that just messed up my day.. and I felt super bad cause I was taking all my anger and frustration from all of that out on Jayson and the fact that all of our friends were 'busy' but we hadn't seen them since October.

By the time we got home, I was just done for the day. I didn't want to see anyone or do anything. I just wanted to unpack our stuff at Jayson's parents and sleep. But Jayson tried to convince me to go to the mall before we met up with his brother, Cody, and Chili's. I really didn't want to go, but Cody had a coupon for free queso dip. I got in the shower, threw my hair back in a bun, put on an old Disney t-shirt and a pair of jeans and walked out the door. Jayson got all dressed up in a collared shirt and tie and I was kind of confused as to why he chose to wear that... But it made sense, cause we went to his new job to drop off some paperwork. So we made it over to the mall and I kept trying to get him to stop being a girl about shopping and deciding between which shade of orange looked better on one of the clearance ties he was looking at because we were supposed to be meeting Cody in less than fifteen minutes. For those of you that don't know me, if we're late to anything, even by a minute, it puts me on edge. I'm never late to anything, ever.

So he calls Cody when we're pulling into the parking lot at Chili's to ask him where he's sitting and says that he's sitting in the back by the bathrooms. Okay quick side story for a minute. When Jayson and I go somewhere and I don't know exactly where we are going, Jayson always walks in front of me. This time, he didn't...and he made me walk in front. I was kind of annoyed that he wouldn't walk in front of me so finally I just gave up on trying to get him to go in front and kept walking.. I kept looking up and down every aisle in the restraunt looking for Cody and didn't see him anywhere. Then all of a sudden, I see my best friend Karla, sitting at a huge table full of people and was like 'what in the world is she doing here?' and then I hear this roaring thunder of voices yell 'SURPRISE' and just kind of stood there staring at all the people completely lost and confused...and then realized.. "...oh... I know these people..."

I was shocked. Completely. I had no idea.
NO IDEA. I was just so touched that Jayson (and Cody too) took the time to plan this. I had told Jayson once, four years ago, that I had never had a surprise party of any sort and always thought it would be a fun memory to have. I cannot believe that he remembered that and threw all of this together for me. Now I know why when I walked out of the bedroom in a t-shirt, jeans, and a messy bun he had said something to me about trying to dress up a little and I got kind of frustrated cause he tells me all the time that he loves the way my hair is naturally and wished that I wouldn't straighten it as often, but then the ONE TIME I don't do anything to it, he tells me to straighten it. I am just in total awe of the whole night. I truly have been blessed with the greatest friends and the sweetest most thoughtful husband in the world. This birthday has been one of the best birthday I have ever had <3

Not to mention he made me the best cake I have ever had. I think I have a new favorite flavor...

Cherry Chip cake with Cream Cheese frosting and sugar pearls
Thanks babe, you truly are something special

Have you ever heard this quote before?

"One day you get all dressed up to go out and see no one, but then another day you walk out of the house wearing sweat pants and an over sized shirt, with no make up, and suddenly it's a reunion"

....story of my life tonight. no joke.

By the way, if you want to see the video that my friend Erik took,
it's on my Facebook :)

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