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Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Holy Ghost Notebook

Jayson and I teach the Valiant 8 Primary class (which are all of the eight year old kids who just got baptized in 2013). One of our students, Anderson, got baptized last Sunday and his uncle gave the talk on the Holy Ghost.
 "The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead. He is a personage of spirit, without a body of flesh and bones. He is often referred to as the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Lord, or the Comforter."- source via
For more information on the Holy Ghost, click here

Anderson's uncle likened the Holy Ghost to a muscle in your body. If you don't work it out, it doesn't become stronger. I instantly thought to myself, how do you use the Holy Ghost..? Well, it'ts not necessarily using the Holy Ghost, it's listening to the Holy Ghost.

Okay, so how do you listen to a spirit? Well, let me try to explain that.. You know how Jiminy Cricket taught us all to "always let your conscience be your guide"? That's what the Holy Ghost/Spirit is! It's that little voice inside your head that tells you right from wrong, or gives you warning signals like taking a different route to work because there was an accident on your normal route that would have made you late to that big meeting you needed to attend. Or that you should buy a giant jug of water at the store because you didn't know that you would be coming home to a leak in your pipes and you wouldn't have clean water until it got fixed. The list goes on and on!

So back to Anderson's Uncle. Right after he said we needed to "work out our Holy Ghost muscles" I instantly thought to myself how many times I probably "heard" the Holy Ghost warn me of something, but I didn't listen. WHAT AM I DOING?! WHY in the WORLD wouldn't I listen? Am I not focused on it? Probably not the best that I should. After Anderson's baptism I was determined to fix this.

I had an idea. I thought that what might help me is to grab a journal. Whenever I feel like the Holy Ghost is speaking to me, or like I need to be "warned" of something, I will immediately write it down. At the end of every day I'm going to look back at what I wrote and write down the blessings that I received from following what I was prompted to do (or not do in some cases...)

The Lord always looks out of us, each and every one of us. One of the ways he speaks to us is through the Holy Spirit. If we were more mindful of His words..think of how easier our days would be. Think of how many more blessings we would receive!!

I challenge all of you to try this with me. Even if it's a day/week/month/year... just see how much of a difference it makes in your life! And then tell me about it, of course ;) 


  1. This is great. I have been doing this for a year and it has been one of the most changing things in my life. Never has my testimony grown so strong except after writing down spiritual experiences. Love this.
