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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The day I chose to be Baptized

Have you every stalked your own Facebook page? 

Have you ever gone back to the year you joined Facebook and read all of your ridiculous status updates? 
I did that today. 

It's interesting to see all of the 'lame' updates that I posted as a fourteen year old.. I'm embarrassed by a handful of them, but it's kind of fun to go back and 'remember what you used to be like.' When I looked back at my updates from 2008, I was so glad that I found this update:

I remember that moment very clearly. I remember reading the scriptures and thinking to myself 'am I absolutely sure that I want to do this?' I kept asking myself over and over and over.. I finally stopped everything that I was doing, fell to my knees and instantly started crying the moment I hit the floor. After I was able to speak, I said a prayer, out loud, for the first time and asked my Father in Heaven if everything that I had been taught was true. I asked if this 'new life' would make me happy and allow me to know exactly who I am. At the end of that prayer I felt so much peace and comfort. I wish I would have written down exactly how I felt and I am so bummed that I didn't. Right after that prayer I called Jayson and the missionaries and told them that I knew for sure that I wanted to be baptized. 
A lot of people wondered why I waited so long to be baptized after this experience. Well, at the time I was sixteen. My parents weren't too thrilled about the idea because they thought that I was only going to church because Jayson was a member (which absolutely wasn't the case...). I didn't want to ask for their permission to be baptized (because I was under eighteen) because I didn't want to cause any more fights than what was already going on (they were in the middle of a divorce at this time). As much as it killed me to wait, I decided to wait until my eighteenth birthday, which happened to be on a Sunday.

My birthday came and it was sooooo hard for me. Why? Well, many of you know that I've spent every birthday at Disneyland since I was two years old. It was extremely hard for me to choose to be baptized instead of going...but after my baptism was over I was SO happy with my decision. 
This year will mark 4 years since I became a member of 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

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