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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Homesick :/

Today, I am home sick..

I called my aunt, Tara
because I had a feeling that my whole family would be there
and I was right..
So she passed the phone around,
I talked to everyone.
Then before we hung up,
my aunt put me on speaker phone..
and my grandmother said

"Come home Ashley, we really, really miss you...both of you..."

..and it brought me to tears :/

Yes, I love living in Salt Lake
It's my first time living out of the state,
I've loved every experience Jayson and I have had out here
..but it's not home...
it will never be home..

I just want to go back to California...
and see both of my grandmothers..
Aunts, Uncles, cousins.. brother
even though he is mad at me and won't talk to me..

My family life at home is hard sometimes
but I honestly can say that being six months away from all the drama,
while it has been good for me,
just doesn't seem real...

Today's been rough...

Friday, May 11, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week at work was Teacher Appreciation Week

The director of our center has been super sweet with giving us little treats and what not through out the week, which has been super sweet. Today we're being treated to Olive Garden for lunch :) But the sweetest gifts of all have come from my kids that I teach. One little girl gave me a card and Lindor Truffles. Another girl's mom is bringing Jamba Juice for myself and my co-teacher. On Wednesday, one boy brought bagels for all of the teachers.

Even when there is no designated week to appreciate your teachers and do sweet things for them, the kids still brighten my day. Yesterday, the toddlers that I'll be teaching this summer ran up to me and hugged me and kissed me and told me they loved me. They were super surprised to see me because I'm not usually in their class until the mid afternoon, but I was covering for one of their teachers. The excitement and joy that came across their face when I walk through the door made my heart melt and almost brought me to tears.

My kids, the four and five year olds, are absolute terrors...and I love them to death!! They climb and jump on me the minute I walk through the door. I get taped to the floor, dog piled, tramples on, squished, you name it and they've done it. I turn on disney music for them every day and grab their arms and dance with them. We always draw pictures together and I help them spell words, write their names and cards for people, and all the normal things that teachers do. They chase me outside, they play games with me, they tell me they love me, and some even fight over whose gonna marry me... But I have to be the heart breaker and tell them I'm already married...

I've only been at Child Time since mid January, but I have such a wonderful bond with every child that I never thought I'd be able to have in just a few short months. I was scared that since I came so late in the school year, that they wouldn't adjust to me very well but I was so wrong! I just love all of these kids so much. They have such bright and special personalities... I'm really going to miss them when they graduate this month.. It's going to be a hard adjustment to not see their bright, smiling faces every day. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do when I don't get trampled every morning. I'm gonna miss them all... Everything about them.. even when I leave the class in the afternoon to go take care of the toddlers and I end up taking ten minutes longer to leave then planned because one little girl in particular is crying because she doesn't want me to leave because I wont see her till after nap time or the next day.

Yep, I love these kids more than anyone could ever imagine...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Disney Know-it-all Nonsense: Matterhorn Bobsleds

Currently under renovation until June 2012

Located on the edge of Fantasyland and Tomorrowland
Opened in 1959
The mountain is modeled after the Matterhorn mountain
which is located in the Swiss Alps.
This is the first tubular steel continuous track roller coaster!
Pretty interesting huh?
If you look closely,
you can see Mickey or Goofy climbing up the mountain

The attraction isn't nearly as tall as it seems..
The Imagineers made the trees at higher altitudes smaller..

Since the attraction sits on the border of Tomorrowland and Fantasyland,
one track runs on the Tomorrowland side
and the other on the Fantasyland side
totaling in two separate tracks

There used to be a basketball court inside the base of the mountain
It served as a cast member break room
and a court for the climbers to play on between climbing sessions
Prior to the 50th anniversary,
it was relocated during the instillation of the Tinkerbell Flight equipment
in preparation for her flight for the firework show

Watch this video to find out about the Make-Over

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Disney Know-it-all Nonsense: Mad Tea Party

//.original photo via Pinterest.//

to the March Hare and Mad Hatter's Tea Party

If you have not ridden this ride....
you really are missing out.
But fair warning,
if you get sick when dizzy,
then I would not recommend riding this ride...

Allow me to tell you a personal story about this here ride:
When I was, oh I don't know, somewhere between the ages of 5 and 7, I rode this ride with my dad. Now my dad likes to spin the tea cup as fast as humanly possible. Well, if you know about the laws of gravity, then you know that the faster you spin the harder it is to sit up straight. Gravity pulls your body to the inside of the tea cup, as if you're being stapled to the edge.

(Back Story: Believe it or not, I use to have 'Rapunzel Hair'. Yep, it went down to my butt and everything. The day before we went on this ride, my mom let me wear my hair down and not pulled back, and and after the screaming tantrum I had from her brushing out the knots the size of China, she told me I had to wear my hair in a braid... I hate braids...)

So while I was being sucked to the wall of this tea cup, braided hair began to spin uncontrolably on the outside of the tea cup. When my hair was braided, it went down to the center of my back, so you can imagine this helocopter propeller looking braid flying about.. I remember feeling like my braid had been chopped off right before the ride ended. When I got off the tea cup, I looked over at another kid who was getting off the ride. He was laughing at me and I didn't know why. Then I heard his mom tell him that trying to pull peoples hair was not okay.... brat.

90 Day Count Down and Disney Know-it-all Nonsense

In 90 days...
I will no longer be a teenager
I will be back home is Southern California
I will be walking grounds of Disneyland..once again!

My parents have taken me to Disneyland every year on my birthday since I was two years old.
I have never missed a single birthday with the exception of my eighteenth.
How could I not spend my day of becoming a legal adult at Disneyland?
I was getting baptized...nuff said.
That's the only thing better than Disneyland...

So If you haven't read my post about how I'd rather be at Disneyland,
I suggest you click here.

90 Days Left
Since I'm kind of driving my husband a little insane in the membrane about Disney nonsense,
I decided that I will count down the days via my blog.
Every day, I will make one post about something Disney:
parade videos
Disney movie

So comment on all the posts and let me know of some things you want to hear about!
If you're not to keen on Disney....
Well...then I don't know how we're friends...........

Just kidding :)
....but seriously....

Like I said,
if you're not too keen on Disney, don't worry
I'll still be posting about other day-to-day things
...I won't forget about you ;)

Stay Tuned!
I'd start posting now...
but the hubbster got off of work early so I'm gonna spend some time with him ;)

Video :D

Jayson came home from work and fell straight to sleep....
poor guy ):
He worked from 12:30pm yesterday till 11:30pm
and then had to be back at work at 3:30am till 4:30pm today

So I got bored and made this:

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Ohh hey don't judge...
its my first video :)
(and yes, I know the pictures move fast....)