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Friday, May 11, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week at work was Teacher Appreciation Week

The director of our center has been super sweet with giving us little treats and what not through out the week, which has been super sweet. Today we're being treated to Olive Garden for lunch :) But the sweetest gifts of all have come from my kids that I teach. One little girl gave me a card and Lindor Truffles. Another girl's mom is bringing Jamba Juice for myself and my co-teacher. On Wednesday, one boy brought bagels for all of the teachers.

Even when there is no designated week to appreciate your teachers and do sweet things for them, the kids still brighten my day. Yesterday, the toddlers that I'll be teaching this summer ran up to me and hugged me and kissed me and told me they loved me. They were super surprised to see me because I'm not usually in their class until the mid afternoon, but I was covering for one of their teachers. The excitement and joy that came across their face when I walk through the door made my heart melt and almost brought me to tears.

My kids, the four and five year olds, are absolute terrors...and I love them to death!! They climb and jump on me the minute I walk through the door. I get taped to the floor, dog piled, tramples on, squished, you name it and they've done it. I turn on disney music for them every day and grab their arms and dance with them. We always draw pictures together and I help them spell words, write their names and cards for people, and all the normal things that teachers do. They chase me outside, they play games with me, they tell me they love me, and some even fight over whose gonna marry me... But I have to be the heart breaker and tell them I'm already married...

I've only been at Child Time since mid January, but I have such a wonderful bond with every child that I never thought I'd be able to have in just a few short months. I was scared that since I came so late in the school year, that they wouldn't adjust to me very well but I was so wrong! I just love all of these kids so much. They have such bright and special personalities... I'm really going to miss them when they graduate this month.. It's going to be a hard adjustment to not see their bright, smiling faces every day. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do when I don't get trampled every morning. I'm gonna miss them all... Everything about them.. even when I leave the class in the afternoon to go take care of the toddlers and I end up taking ten minutes longer to leave then planned because one little girl in particular is crying because she doesn't want me to leave because I wont see her till after nap time or the next day.

Yep, I love these kids more than anyone could ever imagine...

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