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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Waiting for Mail..again!

Alright MG's, you all know what that's like!!
I've been checking the mail like a mad woman lately

It's been over a year since I waited for mail from my sweet hubby. Those days where I knew exactly what time the mail would come, trying to figure out what color envelope to look for, wondering if I was getting a letter or a package that day, or how many letters I would be getting. I think the one time that I can specifically remember about getting mail when I least expected it was when I got a letter sent to me at Desiree's house when I was on vacation in Utah while Jayson was on his mission! (Haha Dez if you're reading this, I still feel totally guilty that you were the one waiting for a letter, and I ended up getting two! )Yep, I kinda miss that stuff..... Call me crazy, but I can promise you that one day out of the blue, you'll remember those days and you'll be waiting for the mail to come, but instead all you'll get is nasty, yucky bills.... BOO!

Anyway, so over the past couple of weeks I have been stalking the mail. Well, not exactly stalking, since we currently live at my in-laws and they would think I'm nuts if they truly saw me stalking the mail like 'back in the old days.' But I've gotten a few packages over the past few weeks and I'm still getting just a bit excited over them. Ahhh, such a sweet feeling to remember again :) Jayson's grandmother sent me a cook book that she's made for all of her grandchildren and their spouse's as a wedding gift, and today I got a canvas that I ordered from The Beehive Organization.

Inspired from Disney's Tangled and this photo via pinterest

Ahhh, I love getting packages ^_^
Call me crazy...but I get so giddy seeing my name on a package!
Maybe it's because it now says Ashley Anderson
instead of Massey....

~ ~ ~
Speaking of packages and letters, does any one know of any missionaries (even your lovely, handsome boyfriends :p) who could use a letter of encouragement?? I miss writing to missionaries!!


  1. Hi my name is Hillary and I love your blog. You said you wanted to write missionaries so you could send a letter to my boyfriend in Japan if you want. He loves letters :)
    My mail is if you want his address.

  2. Thanks Hillary! I'm bummed I don't know you :( How did you find my blog?! haha. I'll probably write him once I get to know YOU a bit more :) Cause a random letter that says "Hi Hillary's boyfriend, I met Hillary because she commented on my blog, and I wanted to write a random HI!" haha, know what I mean??

  3. Haha I totally understand. I found your blog off of Its one of the blogs that she follows and I just randomly clicked on it and I have been following you for a month or so. I thought your blog was way cute. Sorry if I sound like a stalker but I really liked your blog and like reading it. I live in New Hampshire but I used to live in Utah, and I am going to school out there next year for school. haha I love reading blogs. :)
