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Monday, September 24, 2012

Wakey, Wakey, Eggs & Bakey!

I cannot cook to save my life. I can make cereal, ice cream, sandwiches, mac and cheese, the easy stuff, etc. Well, I think the more appropriate way to explain my cooking skills, is that I don't know what flavors go well with each other, or what side dishes compliment the main dish. I am terrible at seasoning things as well (salt and pepper has always been good enough for me!). Luckily for me, I married a man who knows how to cook extremely well, and lucky for him that I do an exceptionally good job at clean up if I do say so myself. So together we make a great team! But if I'm on my own...... oh dear..... I would say that the number one problem that I have when cooking is that I am not patient, at all. I'm terrible... 

Now that I nanny for 21 month old twin girls, I have to be patient with everything, especially cooking because I don't want to get the girls sick because I didn't cook their meals completely. I was browsing on Pinterest the other day and came across a super easy recipe! I'm beginning to learn strategies to cooking and cleaning while having not just one but two toddlers running around. It's quite rough seeing as how I don't have kids of my own yet so I just jumped into having two toddlers that are coming up into the stages of "terrible two's". I needed to learn some recipes that were fast and easy since I am not the only person who gets impatient while meals are cooking.. 

Bacon Wrapped Egg Muffins

  • Eggs (4 for a six hole muffin tin)
  • Bacon

Optional Ingredients:
  • Salt 
  • Pepper
  • Cheese
  • Avocado

Cook time: 30-35 minutes
Prep time: 5-7 minutes

  1. Preheat oven to 400degrees (F)
  2. Place 1 strip of bacon along the inside edged of the muffin tin
    -I also put some bacon on the bottom of the tin, but its not necessary to do so
  3. Crack 4 eggs into separate bowl and beat well
    -I added salt and pepper to taste
  4. Pour egg mixture into muffin tins about until about 3/4 full
Additional Directions: 
  1. Take a pinch of cheese and add on top of egg mixture
  2. Once the BwE are out of the oven, you can add slices of avocado on top.

    *I made the mistake of using avocado oil to grease the muffin tins, completely forgetting that bacon creates its own grease when cooking. The oil didn't distract from the taste of the egg or the bacon so I guess it really doesn't matter, but I find that bacon grease doesn't make the food stick to the inside of the pan either
    ~  ~  ~
In case you haven't notices, I am not one to really measure.. I just 'eyeball' it. I learned that method from watching family members cook and watching Paula Dean on Food Network (not that she doesn't measure, but I have caught her a few times using the 'eyeball' method).

I love this recipe! Prep time is fast, clean up is easy, and you need a minimum of two ingredients! With toddlers running around, this is a mom-saver-recipe in my opinion! And it's super yummy :) I also like that I was able to prep, cook, and clean the dishes I used for this meal all before the twins woke up this morning. What more could a mom ask for?! Not only that, but the smell of these babies baking in the oven is delightful! I definitely woke up some super happy girls this morning ;) They love bacon! Actually, they love every ingredient I used. Eggs, bacon, cheese, salt, pepper, avocado, the whole nine yards! I'd say I earned some serious brownie points this morning ;) 

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