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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

TOHS Dance

Many of you know that I danced my Junior and Senior year. I had never danced before in my life and was excited for the opportunity to be in the class in high school. Since graduation, I hadn't had the opportunity to dance again. When I started school at Moorpark College, I couldn't take morning dance classes because I needed to sign up for other classes of more 'importance' first and those classes weren't available in the afternoon, and I was also working in the late afternoon/evening. I also wanted to make sure that all of my classes would be before 12:00 noon so I could have three hours of Institute classes before going to work. 

After a few semesters, Jayson and I got married and moved to Utah so now dance was really out of the question! I was supper bummed about that... But a few weeks ago, a friend texted me and asked if I was going to the alumni class that night. "AKLDSJFHDKSJ WHAAAAT?!!!!" I told her I had no clue what she was talking about and it turns out that one of my dance teachers was now teaching an alumni class on Thursday nights! I was so stoked!!! I have gone to two classes already and was so excited to see three of my closest girl friends from my Junior and Senior year:

The first year that I met these girls was my Junior year when we were in Period 2, which was a mixture of beginning and intermediate students. That was the year that our class danced to "Nicest Kids in Town" from the 2007 Hairspray film. I also tried out for small hip hop (which basically was a group chosen from our class) and danced to "Circus" by Brittney Spears. 

In my Senior year, the four of us made in into Period 3, which was an intermediate class. That was the year that we danced to a song that was composed for a fight scene in Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At Worlds End. Which by the way, if you search 'May Concert TOHS,' it's the third video ;) I also chose to be in the small lyrical group. I don't even know what the song was that we danced to, but we called our piece "Gladiator." 

This is our 'Pirates' dance, you should watch it ;) 

 I have now gone to two alumni classes, and we just found out that were are in the winter concert at the high school :) I am so excited because winter concert is usually only for periods 4 and 5 and Team members, so I never had the chance to perform in that concert. I also love the maturity of the dancers in this class. I feel like back in high school, people were super clicky and quietly judgmental about the way certain people danced and their levels of performance. I know I was one of them, but in this class it seems like every one just gets a long and no one cares if you can still do a double or triple pirouette, or how flexible you are any more, etc. Everyone just focuses on them selves, but is still there to help you when you don't understand whats going on. It's nice to go back after two and a half years and dance in that room where I literally shed blood, sweat, and tears in class and late night practices. 2009 was the year that started my passion for dance and I am sad that I haven't had the chance to embrace it up until two weeks ago. But I am happy and excited for this opportunity and cannot wait to see the end result of our dance!

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I'm not in this dance, but this was one of my favorite pieces that year.
 Mostly because its from Disney's Tarzan ;) 

 2009-2010 Thousand Oaks High School Dance Team
Video Rights User: seannthompson

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