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Monday, October 15, 2012

Disney Puzzle Obsession

I have never been too fond of puzzles. I used to hate them, actually. I found them rather hard and boring and never enjoyed doing them. I used to think they were a huge waste of time. But one day at work (back when I was working at Child Time Inc.) one of my students asked me to do a 50 piece cup cake puzzle with her. I really didn't want to work on a stupid puzzle, but I had promised her that I would do what ever she wanted, so I ended up having to do the puzzle. Now you would think that a little cup cake puzzle would be easy, but this one was hard! So here I am sitting with Violet, when another little girl, Ella, runs up and asks if she can help with the puzzle. Violet tells her she can help us and I kid you not, Ella had completed the whole darn thing in under two minutes!!!! 

My other co teacher then decided to break out a one thousand piece puzzle that the whole class could work on through out the week. I told my self that there was so way in the world I would be working on that puzzle! But over the course of that week, I ended up helping out in the other class rooms. When I came back to class on Monday morning, all 20+ kids had helped to complete that puzzle a little bit each day over seven days!!! 

At that point, I was determined to go home and work on a puzzle. If 4-5 year old kids can finish a 1,000 piece puzzle in a week, then I should be able to also! Lucky for me, I already had a box full of puzzles that I had sent to Jayson while he was on his mission because he was sick (and obviously they were Disney puzzles). So I went home that night and broke out the puzzle box. 

Jayson and I decided to work on our Little Mermaid and Pinocchio puzzles

Shortly after completing those two puzzles, we moved back home to California. 
Two weeks after moving home, 
Jayson and I went to Disneyland and bought me a 1,000 piece puzzle-map of Disneyland

Let me tell you, this puzzle was a pain in my butt!!!!! After we came home from Disneyland, we started on this puzzle right away. We originally started working on it down stairs in the dining room, but then we had some friends come over for dinner so we moved the puzzle onto the Ottoman in the living room. Then, my mother-in-law, Kerry, started babysitting a little girl in our ward who I found 'playing' with the puzzle and ripping the completed pieces apart, so I moved the puzzle up stairs and into our bedroom. About a week or so later, Kerry told us that Jayson and I were going to be moving over into Cody's (my brother-in-law) old room because we had another foreign exchange student coming to live with us, so we had to move the puzzle yet again. 

Finally, after a little over two months, the puzzle is complete! Unfortunately we lost two of the pieces after having moved the darn thing so many times.... I'm hoping that some how we will find the lost pieces....

After completing the three puzzles, Jayson and I realized how cool looking they are! Especially the ones from the movies because they look just like their front DVD/VHS case covers. We decided that after every puzzle we complete, we are going to glue the pieces together so that we can frame them once they are done and start collecting Disney puzzles and putting them together as a family. Once we move into our own home (whenever that is... ) we will start to display our finished puzzles :) 

So here is my next puzzle-project

 Panorama Puzzles 

The one on the left has clips from the movies, and the one on the right has all (well, almost all) of the characters on map, where they are standing on the areas that their movie is from (like Simba from Lion king is standing on Africa, etc.).


...can't you tell? 

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