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Friday, November 9, 2012

The Sunday Approved Movie List

I can't remember if it was this past Monday or the Monday before, but for FHE we watched a CES Devotional. Bishop Gérald Caussé’ is a bishop from (if I remember correctly...) a YSA ward in Sandy.  who gave a talk called "We are the Architects of Our Own Happiness." Now I will admit, I didn't pay very much attention to the entire talk because I was absolutely exhausted from work that day, but the moment he made a reference to Disney's The Lion King, I tuned in! And even recited the entire scene that he was referring to, word for word. (I should probably go back and listen to his talk again and really pay closer attention....)

Let me back track a bit. When I first started going to church, Jayson was trying to explain to me some things that I should choose to do on a Sunday to keep the sabbath day holy. We often had 'discussions' about how hard that is to find enough stuff to keep me busy because I couldn't watch TV, or play video games, so I tried to just watch movies that had good morals and lessons to teach. I chose to watch Disney movies on Sundays along with reading my scriptures because that was all that I could really do... Since being married, we have had many discussions on if Disney movies really are appropriate for a Sunday.

Well then during that devotional, Bishop Causse made a reference to this scene from The Lion King:

I don't have the exact words from his talk because it isn't available on yet...
I had never thought about this scene in the way that Bishop Causse explained it. Like I said, I don't remember what he said word for word, but what I personally gathered from watching that clip was this. Often times we feel like Simba when we make a mistake or choose to walk down a path that may not be in line with what our Father in Heaven has planned for us. Once we make that decision and realize that we should have chosen to do something different, it's often easier to decide "it's too hard/scary to go back and fix it" so we try to fix things on our own and move forward. The fact of the matter is, we can't just expect to fix things by moving forward. You have to back track a bit.

I love that Bishop Causse used this scene in particular because Mufasa decends from the heavens and tells his son, "Simba, you have forgotten me.." Simba denies this and asks "How could I?" Mufasa responds, "You have forgotten who you are and so forgotten me.. Look inside yourself, Simba. You must take your place in the Circle of Life."

I love those quotes. So much. When we make decisions, sometimes we forget to confront our Heavenly Father and ask Him if what we are choosing to do is right for us. We may still think about Him, we still Love him and know He is there. We know that He loves us. But I also know that for myself, I often feel like Simba and wonder 'how could I have forgotten Him?' Well, because I didn't make him apart of my decisions. That's how. We can keep ourselves in line with the Spirit and the path that He has chosen for us if we always, no matter what, consult our Heavenly Father in every decision that we make. 

Mufasa continues to say, "Remember who you are. You are my son....."

Remember who you are
You are a Son/Daughter of a Heavenly King
You have a divine role in this life that has been chosen by a loving Father in Heaven
whom you can talk to 
who will always be there for you
because you are so blessed with that knowledge and comfort...
I know I am

and I think we can now come to the conclusion that for the Anderson Family, 
The Lion King has made it to the approved list ;)

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