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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Thousand Oaks California Stake and Indexing

Stake Conference was this weekend 
Our stake is #1 in Ventura County and #8 in North America for indexing! 

and it is very, very possible that our stake will make it to 1 million names by the end of the year!

that's insane!!
That fills my heart with so much joy and excitement

I love my home stake
I truly am so blessed to be back home

We have so many dedicated members in this stake
People who consistently make it to the Temple every week
I look up to those people so much...
It's so hard to get lost in worldly activities

and to feel like 'we don't have time'

But I know that the Lord is blessing all of those members

who make the Temple their number one priority
and plan their schedule around visiting the temple, 
not plan their temple visit around their schedule

and now there are so many other members beyond the veil
that have the blessing of this gospel

because of those faithful, obedient, and worthy members


I also am grateful
for who ever this person is...
who in May of 2012
did temple work for my 7th Great Grandfather.......

IN MAY OF 2012!!!!
as in..... 5 MONTHS AGO!!!!!!!

If you haven't done family history work...
You never know who you will find who doesn't have this gospel that needs it..

I am so grateful for who ever completed that work
I am so blessed for my beautiful home stake
Happy 25th Anniversary Thousand Oaks Stake

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