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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Elder & Sister Missionaries

Missionaries= The Best

Tomorrow, a friend of mine is leaving for the Provo MTC to get ready for his mission in the Argentina Buenos Areas Argentina West Mission.

A few days ago, one of Jayson's best friends got home from serving his mission in Chile.

In October, a girl from my home ward (well, the ward I attended before I was baptized) left to serve her mission in Ohio at one of the Visitor Centers.

One of the missionaries who taught me, Jon, got home about a year ago (maybe longer?) and is getting married to a girl he met while on his mission. Well, technically he met her parents and they gave their daughter his address so she could help him out with school things.

Missions are great. Missionaries are needed! When I first started going to church, I thought that any young man or woman who spent 18-24 months of their life walking around in church clothes 24/7 teaching the gospel was pretty stupid.. but then I learned the importance of serving missions. If it wasn't for the many missionaries who taught me, I don't know where I would be.

I am so thankful for Elder Jon Romeril and Elder Dan Reeves, for being the coolest set of missionaries I have ever met, for teaching me so many lessons that changed and blessed my life.

Good luck Elder Smith and Sister Maynard- you will change and bless so many lives and in return you will gain so many blessings for yourselves.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for sending out so many worthy young men and women to serve thee and thy children
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for allowing those young men to show me the truth of this gospel

Thank you,
Heavenly Father,
for showing me that I am a daughter of God

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