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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Even non members know about the Temple

Ashley K: "So are you Mormon?"
Me: "Yes, I am"
Ashley K: "Were you born into the church?"
Me: "No"

-about a 15 minute conversation about meeting my husband, Jayson, and how I became a member-

Ashley K: "I don't quite know how I feel about the Temple and being able to feel 'a spirit'...but I'm not a member.."

I wasn't quite sure how to explain this to her. I mean, I know how to explain it to those who are members simply because they have experience with the work that goes on in the temple and feeling the spirit that is there. How on earth am I gonna explain this to her? Well.. I said a quick prayer asking the Lord to help me explain my thoughts..and the magic happened.

There is without a doubt a strong spirit at any temple that you visit, both on the grounds and inside. You literally can feel the Lords presence with you, as if He is standing right next to you. Any questions that you have may not be immediately answered, but you do receive in site about any questions you may have, even if you weren't aware that you had a question at all.

Ashley is a co-worker of mine and I did my best to explain to her about the Spirit, and how recognizing when the Lord and Savior help with certain things in your life and how much of a blessing it is. I also explain to her how my conversion may have been hard at times, but it has changed my life for the better. She didn't say she was going to run off and get baptized, but she did say that she didn't understand why or how, but she had a greater understanding of 'the spirit' and appreciates what I had to say.

I know that the Lord was helping me through this small task. While it may not have been a 'big' event, it certainly was one that the Lord had played a part in, and it needed to happen, and I am grateful for that opportunity.


  1. Oh my gosh I love this blog :) I teared while reading!! Ashley you are amazing and I love the idea of having a blog about the ways the Lord has blessed you. I may copy you... Seriously, i love you :)

  2. :) i love you!!
    and you can copy it. i copied ashley allen anyway ;)
