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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Extra hours for work...and a new position!

Maybe this is harder than I thought..
Maybe I'm not allowing myself to see when He's placed his hand into my life..?

I think asking that question just gave me an answer..
(well, two completely different ones.)

Today, I went to work and asked my Supervisor/Manager when the new schedule would be posted. She just so happened to have posted it just minutes before I asked. I was very excited to see what was posted..

Jayson and I are kinda on the push for money. Life is honestly way too expensive in my opinion.. Anyway, we have been looking for as many jobs for me to apply to as possible. Some have sounded amazing up until I had the interview. Then it came down to not being able to even pay me minimum wage, ending up needing to drive farther than our gas budget will allow, not getting a second interview, etc. Well, from the looks of this weeks schedule, I'm hoping that my job search will be able to come to a close..

I am currently employed at Red Robin, which is nice because I had previously worked at another location back home in California, so I already know the ropes. My position right now is a Expo (I bring food orders to tables). My manager asked me today if I'd like to be a host as well as an expo and I said yes. This means I have way more hours. More hours means more money! Its already nice getting a decent pay check and walking out with about $15-$25 tips a night, but working double positions just boosted my hours from 17 to about 25-30+ a week! Thats a crazy tough schedule, and I probably won't be able to spend as much time with the hubby as I'd like but....that's life.

I feel like this is a tremendous blessing from the Lord. He knows we need help financially, and I feel as though He's been testing our faith with having me apply myself to jobs that have been outside my comfort zone, as well as accepting the expo position when I felt very out of place and... well.. whats the word... I don't know... underqualified? No, not even that. Being an expo means you have to learn what comes on every food item, how it should look, what side orders/dressings come with it, etc. Basically, you have to make the plate look Picture Perfect.. and there are over 100 items to memorize..and I struggle with memorization..

Anyway, I know this is a blessing from the Lord without a doubt. I put my faith in Him, knowing that as long as I did everything I could to apply myself to this job and keep an open mind for others, that a greater opportunity would come my way... and it has.

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