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Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Confessional

I love blogging. I get so many fun inspirations from fellow bloggers :)

Monday Confessional has made its way to my blog! Basically, every Monday, I am going to find something(s) that I could improve on and then use the rest of that week to fix them. I decided to share with you so that you might feel inspired to share what your struggles are, or to help you feel like your not the only fish out there with a bad fin out there.

Join Me?

  1. I must work out more. Jayson and I bought a gym pass last weekend, and I haven't been in three days. Two of those days I was just being lazy, and one of those days I had 'that time of month' excuse. Well, no one loses weight by saying they'll work it off... I need to be better at keeping to my gym schedule

  2. I could do better Spiritually. Life is really great at getting in the way of important things. I feel like I have almost no time to myself lately. Work has been crazy, ontop of also trying to cram in gym time. It's starting to beat down on my daily prayers and scripture study and I shouldn't let slip away. I need to be better.

  3. I need to not be lazy. I swear, the only time our apartment ever gets cleaned properly is when friends come over... That needs to change. I'm currently looking at 4 full trash bags just sitting on the floor. It's disgusting.. Maybe we do need to go back to childhood and get a chore chart started again....?