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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Yes, I am still alive

Hello Beautiful!

I am still alive an well :)
allow me to update you

Whelp, I'm sorry for being M. I.A. So much has happened this month!
So first of all, we crashed our car back in January and had to take the bus around for a month. Let me tell you, I dreaded that. I probably wouldn't have minded so much if it was spring instead of winter... but hey..what can you do? It was also somewhat of a blessing.. I guess. Ya it sucked to have to fork over $75 a person for a pass, and build your schedule around the bus schedule, but at least we weren't paying for gas. We used to drive a 2003 Lincoln Aviatior that my uncle had gotten me as a high school graduation present, and it cost $75 bucks a week to fill that tank. At least with the bus pass, it was a one time fee. We were counting down the days until we could get a car. We did end up buying a 2008 Black Chevy Malibu at the end of February. We got an awesome deal on it, and even though I was stuck at work while Jayson went to the dealership and wasn't able to actually pick the car, I trusted his judgement and I'm so glad I did! He told me about this car and said he felt like it was the car for us. I will admit I was a little upset that I didn't get to help pick and choose but once I realized that this was a missionary car (and I mean that literally) that he drove while he was on his mission in Denver, and all the missionaries in my home state (We're from the Ventura California Mission) drove them, I didn't even care that I didn't get to test drive it we drove it off the lot that night :)

Not too much other than that has changed. Jayson and I still work on 3300 S. (about a 5 minute drive away from each other), we still live in our same apartment and probably wont be moving till around Jayson's birthday or after mine, depending on where he is at with promotions and such with work, same ol' stuff.

& there you have it :)

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