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Saturday, March 10, 2012


-this topic was requested by a fellow blog follower-

So one of you lovely followers of mine has asked me to talk about Trust. More specifically about how trust works between my husband and myself.

Whelp, lets be honest here...
I had to/still am working long an hard to rebuild trust in my relationship. Now don't twist that sentence too much, Jayson and I are as in love as ever and we are doing just fine and dandy :) But I haven't always been that perfect little angel. I'm not going to go into details on that matter.

So here all about our good ol' pal, trust.
Trust has to be built with a good foundation. That foundation is Christ, and our Heavenly Father. While you have to trust Them that any given situation can progress to happiness and joy, you have to trust your spouse that they will work just as hard, if not harder, than you will. That could be with the smallest of things, or something big and monstrous! It's relying on the other and believing that they are willing to make the situation better. If you can't trust yourself, your spouse, or Heavenly Father, then who can you trust? No one.

Maybe I'm not dong a terribly good job at explaining this... It basically breaks down to this. When you are struggling, or even just unsure of what to do, fall to your knees, with your spouse, and pray. Ask for strength. Ask for guidance, Ask for love. Ask for support. Ask for everything. A seed cannot grow without the proper soil. It cannot grow if it isn't nourished. It needs water, sunlight, constant care, and love.
......Unconditional Love

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