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Sunday, April 29, 2012

From Our Journal, to Yours...

I contribute to another blog as well...

"From Our Journal, to Yours..."

founded and created by the lovely Ms. Ashley Allen
(who also blogs here)

What is 'From Our Journal, to Yours..' about?

"We will keep these posts clean and accurate. We will not go against the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and will only post accurate principle/doctrine, and if we are unsure of anything than we will research before posting. We will only post positive and helpful things, and not express too-personal information. This is a place for us to express our gratitude, and we will do so. We will post poems, conference talks, notes, scriptures, etc. This blog is not run by the LDS church whatsoever. It is simply a few people blogging."

Sweater Pieces and the Master Blocker

Today in Relief Society, a woman stood up and held up a navy blue sweater with whitestitching's all over it. It was absolutely beautiful and she said she had never knitted, sewn, or done anything like unto it before in her life, but that was the first sweater she had made and it looked..well, like a sweater!
(forgive me, I don't remember her name)

This is her lesson:

While this woman held up her sweater, she pointed out all the flaws about it:
  • The neck line was stretched out not because she had worn it a lot, but because that was how she knitted it
  • The bottom of the sweater was stretched out not because she had worn it a lot, but because that was how she knitted it
  • The right shoulder was larger than the left
  • The back was loose
She began to explain the process of knitting a sweater. You don't just start at the top nor the bottom and just knit together the whole thing, you have to do it in pieces. For example, you have to do the left arm, right arm, front, back, bottom, neck line, etc. Once you have all the pieces, you begin to stitch them together with another color of yarn.

Once your sweater is complete, you take it to a Master Blocker to get the sweater fitted. Basically what happens is he will get it a little wet, and then mold it to whatever shape you've asked him to (so I would assume your body shape), he'll then pin it down and let it dry. Once it's dry, it is now able to hold that shape.

So Relief Society was about knitting a sweater? Not quite... Lets break it down a bit.

The sweater is your life. The pieces of the sweater are pieces of how you live your life, how you build your relationship with Heavenly Father, and how you strive to keep the Gospel as your foundation. The Master Blocker is Heavenly Father. As you build up your pieces (faith, trust, obedience, etc.,) He will then take you (your pieces) and build you up. He will mold you and shape you into the person that He has intended, so long as you keep those pieces in tact and trust Him.

Now, always remember that even though your sweater may not fit perfectly, and one arm may be bigger than the other, it is good enough...

You are good enough for the Lord
and the Savior is always there

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Patience is NOT my Virtue...

So I kind of love Deseret Book. I'm basically obsessed.

I got a coupon in the mail a few days ago: Get $10 off a $50 purchase. I had to use it, of course. So Jayson and I went to DB yesterday, and I was so excited to go and get a few things that I left the coupon at home.... -_- We were both too lazy to go all the way home, pick it up, and drive back to buy all the things, so I just decided that I would order everything online (I only came to the decision to order online because I was too embarrassed to ask someone where a certain book was.....). So I came home and made my order :)

Now I have to wait.....
I wish I didn't make the order online. I wish I actually got off my lazy butt and either went home to grab the coupon, or waited till today to go back to the store. I was in Downtown this morning for a CPR & First Aide class and a DB was down the street. Now I'm so anxious to get the package and start reading what I ordered that I'm constantly checking my order and looking out the window to see when it will get here, knowing that it won't be here till probably Friday or Saturday of next week...

Lesson Learned: Don't Be Lazy!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


"Wise parents prepare their children to get along without them. They provide opportunities for growth as children acquire the spiritual maturity to exercise their agency properly"
-Larry Y. Wilson
Sunday Afternoon Session
182nd General Conference
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

A fair few of you know how beyond scared I am of being pregnant and going through labor... but I am far more scared of being a parent than being pregnant..

Most of you readers know my family story, but if not, I'll give you a slight overview. My parents were never married. They told me that if you're 'with' someone fore more than seven years, then the state of California declares you as... well..not married, but basically married. I'm not too sure how true that statement is but that's what I grew up knowing. Any how, when I was sixteen, right around the time I started going to church, my parents officially decided that they would be splitting up and my mom would be moving out. It really hurt at first, but at the same time, I knew that things would be better if they weren't living under the same roof anymore.... I was going through a pretty tough time in my life when they finally got 'divorced'. I lost a lot of trust for both of my parents and it really affected me more so than I thought... Thankfully my hubbster and I met that same summer and I started going to church, cause besides him that was the only thing that was keeping me sane.

Anyhow, as the days passed by, I was terrified of the thought of one day being a parent. I promised myself that I would give my future family all the things that I never had. This past General Conference, one of the talks that stood out the most to me was by Larry Y. Wilson, titled "Only Upon the Principles of Righteousness." It's about parenting. The quote at the beginning of this post stuck out the most: "Wise parents prepare their children to get along without them...." It made me realize how much I hadn't been taught by my parents.

Elder Wilson later goes on to say that "...when setting firm limits for another person is in order, those limits should always be administered with loving patience...." I'm so scared that I'll fail to do this when speaking with my kids.. Whenever my dad would set limits, or even have a discussion with me or my brother, he would yell and scream and our reaction would be to yell and scream back. It would be a never ending war of seeing who can put the other down the most and who can yell the loudest. Basically the lesson that my brother and I had grown a custom to is that 'if you're yelling the loudest, then you're the one whose right.' So in that case, my dad was right about everything, and he was very good at telling us that we were wrong, no matter what it was. I'll admit, I am very hard-headed. I always want to be right. I sometimes feel like I think I know the answer to everything, and I am quick to be angry and prove my point in any way that I can to make sure that 'I'm right.' I'm just so afraid that I'll end up doing that with my own children, and I know that that is so very wrong...

The other ever so popular quote that I have seen parents use without actually saying it is 'It's my way or the highway.' Elder Wilson also says, "...we cannot force others to do the right thing....the scriptures make it clear that this is not God's way..... learning opportunities are lost when controlling persons pridefully assume they have all the right answers for others" The main thing to remember is that you are not the one who has all the answers, and you do not know the plan that Heavenly Father has for other people. All you know is the plan that He has for you and that He will be there to help and guide you as a parent so long as you seek after his counsel. The only way your child/children will learn this is by teaching them how to pray and receive answers to their prayers.

No, I am not a parent. No, I do not know how I will be when it is my time to be a parent. However, I do believe that you have to be willing to learn, grow, admit when you're wrong, not be prideful when you're right, realize that no matter how upset you may be that you need to go about things with love and the intention of helping your family and your children to learn and grow with you and grow your bond with each other as well as Heavenly Father. I am not sure how I will go about teaching my children about having free agency, learning right from wrong, etc., and I won't know until that day comes. With all that in mind though, from the time of conception until they are four years old is the most important part of their lives because they're little brains soak up everything and while they may not remember 90% of that time of their life, the way they act and react to certain things as they grow up will be a reflection on the things they learned during that period of their life. Parenting is a scary thing, but I have the love and guidance of my Heavenly Father, as well as my wonderful husband, Jayson.

Now since we're on the topic of 'parents'.....
I know a few of you want little mini Jayson and Ashleys running around but no, I am not pregnant, and no, Jayson and I are not currently planning on having kids. We both want to start our family sometime in the near future, however our number one goal right now is to be sealed in the temple. We still don't know when that day will be but we are working toward it. My standpoint on starting a family is, if it's supposed to happen, Heavenly Father will let it happen. We aren't trying to have kids, and we aren't trying to prevent having kids. We're leaving it in the hand of the Lord and if and when that time comes, He will let it come, and it will be the greatest blessing of our lives.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fear of work shouldn't be a factor...

I don't know if most of you readers know, but I am a preschool teacher.
I absolutely
love my job. It's rather demanding some days but mostly, its a breeze. Yes, we do have a structure as far as what our kids learn and we do have to keep coming up with new things to teach, but most of the time I sit and play with them. I also have the opportunity to spend a few hours with our toddlers. For a good 90% of the time that I am with them they are sleeping, which is nice because I basically get to do what ever I want to do (well, get away with it...sort of..) as long as I am there for the kids the moment they need me. I decided that instead of playing Angry Birds on my phone, or browsing Pinterest, I should actually do something useful with my time. I decided to read the scriptures. I mean, I have two hours to kill, I might as well spend it reading!

...ya, that didn't work out so well. I'll be honest, I have never read the Bible completely through. Well, correction, basically I haven't read it at all. I've maybe finished the first chapter of Genesis. I know, I fail... so I'm making it a goal to read through the whole thing. So anyway, I had my mini-Book of Mormon (and I mean that literally. Deseret Book sells pocket sized BoM's for I think... $2?) and I began reading 1 Nephi. I read the first few verses and then decided to switch to the Bible. So I put my BoM away and pulled up the scriptures on my phone. While I read the first two verses, I immediately felt the Spirit. But.... I looked up, and my co-worker was there. Technically, I'm not supposed to do anything but supervise the kids because I don't get a break. Also, we're strictly advised to not be reading any religious books at work. But I thought that since I was reading the scriptures on my phone, it wouldn't be a problem, but I couldn't help but feel like I was doing something wrong... I knew I was breaking one of my rules for work... but at the same time, I felt conflicted because they were the Lord's words that I was reading. How can that be wrong? I was so afraid of losing my job if I got caught, that I put all my scriptures away and just sat there and waiting till one of the babies woke up.

Now that its been a few days and I've had a chance to think about it, I really don't think that I should have let the fear of getting in trouble at work stop me from reading something that I know in my heart to be true. I should be standing up for what I believe in, not hiding in fear of the world... But even though I know I should be 'standing as a witness of God, at all times, and in all things, and in all places,' So why was I too scared to keep reading?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Liquid Tylenol and Squirt

Ever have those 'I refuse to get out of this bed' days?
Ya know...those days where:

  1. our head feels like it weighs twice your body weight?
  2. your nose gets so stuffed up you feel like another planet is stuck up there?
  3. your whole body just kind of.... locks up and you're in too much pain to move?
Well, that was me. Yesterday.

I woke up for work,
got ready,
went to work,
and had a pretty mild headache..
As the day went on,
it got worse,
but I still pushed through my shift.
I didn't notice how bad I felt till Jayson picked me up....

During that 10 minute drive home,
I could feel my body slowly tensing up...
My neck started to hurt when I looked over both shoulders,My nose would not allow me to breath...My eyes felt like they were being sucked into my head,
My throat felt so scratchy and gross...
(Maybe this was a sinus infection mixed with allergies??)
and my sinuses hurt whenever Jayson would poke them...

Jayson was supposed drop me off and go straight back to work...but he walked me up stairs and put me to bed.He massaged my cheek bones,(cause that's where I hurt most)helped me get into bed,and just laid with me.Exactly what I needed :)

But then, he had to run off to work.You know how a toddler will reach their arms out toward you if you walk away and they don't want you to?Yeah, that was what I did when he had to leave....
So I turned on some Disney movies.
But the later it got, the worse I felt..
So then I found this baby:

I literally chugged two mouth-fulls of it,
ate some yummy Ramen Noodles,and took Tylenol PM
(mostly cause my head hurt so bad that I could feel my heart beat in my head)
and let me tell you.... I was OUT!
I slept from about 5:30pm until 6:00am
and I'm sure I would have slept longer if I didn't have work..

On top of that, Jayson brought me a treat :)
Squirt is a soda that's like Sprite or 7UP
He felt really bad that he couldn't leave work early to come take care of me,
so he came home with my treat to make my tummy feel better :)
I vaguely remember waking up when he got home to take a sip....
...but I doubt I was awake longer than ten seconds...

So next time you're sick, I HIGHLY recommend this stuff ;)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Strapless Dress-Skirt

Being a convert, it amazed me how much clothing I had that wasn't 'Church Appropriate'
Nothing that I had was over revealing, it just wasn't long enough...
So I had to go shopping
(oh darn, right?)

Well, I found some super cute dresses that were to die for!
The only problem is, that was four years ago
and...I've grown just a bit..
So now those fabulously adorable skirts and dresses are too short.
I threw out all but three, which were my favorite..
And my Splatter-Painted Strapless Dress was now too short....

Well....maybe not....

The Strapless Dress-Skirt is a beautifully modest skirt

Lesson Learned:
Before throwing out that piece of clothing that is too small or too short, see if you can make it beautifully modest again!

What have you done with your clothes?

Friday, April 6, 2012

I'll be there someday...

I've decided that I want to travel.
Not the world..
Not some 3rd world country..
Not Czechoslovakia..
Not Spain or Italy
(okay, ...maybe Spain or Italy)

But I want to travel.
I want to go with my husband on a romantic vacation.
I want to take our kids some place they'll remember forever.

Where might you ask?


Hoboken, New Jersey see Carlo's Bakery, DUH!

New York City, New York
Times Square

Sydney, Australia
Thank you, Dory


Disney Cruise Line
need I explain why?

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The House of the Lord

Tonight, I had a meeting for work at one of our locations downtown. I had left a few minutes early for a number of reasons:
  1. I wanted to get a good parking spot because our parking lots at our preschools aren't very large..
  2. I have never been to this location, let alone driving downtown (Jayson has always been the one to drive), so I wanted to give myself extra time in case I got lost
  3. If you're early to a meeting then our director picks your name out of a hat and you get a special treat
  4. I hate being late to anything
  5. I really, really, REALLY, wanted to see the temple..

I still am disappointed in myself that this month marks 5 months of living in Salt Lake City, and I have yet to actually visit Temple Square and walk the grounds. I'm more frustrated at this because when I visited over the summer for nine days, I was able to make a trip down when I was staying with a friend in Tooele, but now that I live a grand total of 10 minutes away I have not been able to visit!! Ugh.. that's frustrating. But then again, when we first moved here, I was working in a restaurant every day from 10:00am until 9:00pm, sharing one car with Jayson, got in a car accident in January, had to ride the bus for a month, finally bought a car at the end of February, and now am just working around both mine and Jayson's busy work schedules. So technically, I've only really had about a month of a sane schedule to even consider making a trip to Temple Square.

... I'm going before the end of this month. I'm making it my goal.

Anyway, back to why I had mentioned my meeting at work. Well, I knew I had this meeting tonight and I knew that it was at our location on North R. Street, which was off of South Temple Street, so I made it a point to drive past the temple, even thought I wouldn't have time to walk around. It amazes me how much peace I feel just from the sight of any temple. I guess I'm more stoked about the temples here in Utah cause the only temple I have ever seen besides the ones here is the Los Angeles Temple. Don't get me wrong, the L.A. temple isabsolutely BEAUTIFUL, but I live in a new state I have to check out the temples here and enjoy being so close to so many before we one day move back to Southern California.

I just feel so blessed to live so close to so many temples. It's mind blowing that I can see two of them from the freeway on my way to work, TWO! The Los Angeles Temple was at least a 45 minute drive away from where I used to live back in California (and hour and fifteen minutes away if you got stuck in traffic on the 405 freeway)

Within a 45minute to a 1 hour drive, I can see:
  1. Mt. Timpanogos Temple
  2. Draper Temple
  3. Oquirrh Mountain Temple
  4. Jordan River Temple
  5. Salt Lake City Temple
  6. Bountiful Temple
Since I have lived in Utah, I have seen:
(either driven by or walked the grounds)
  1. Provo Temple
  2. Mt. Timpanogos Temple
  3. Oquirrh Mountain Temple
    Jordan River Temple
  4. Salt Lake City Temple
  5. Bountiful Temple
  6. St. George Temple

    ...I plan on getting more up close and personal with all of those temples.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Behbeh in my Belleh

Nope, I'm not pregnant... hah!

Right before conference started, I had been praying about feeling more comfortable and relaxed about actually being pregnant and being at peace with the whole process whenever that day comes.

...and then the first two talks in Conference were about parenting..haha

Ya, I'm kind of legit scared of BEING pregnant.
Not having a baby, not worrying about money or affording life things, not about parenting, just being pregnant.

Okay, seriously. Think about you. You walk around with a living body INSIDE you! Doesn't that freak you out a bit? Yes, I know it will be the biggest blessing that I can't even imagine, and that should make it less scary. It helps, I will admit, but its still weird. I'm gonna look down at my feet one day and see my giant belly button sticking up at me saying "MWAHAHA."

Even though I have that awkward phobia, that doesn't stop my massive baby hunger. It's terrible. I have 70 pins and counting on one of my Pinterest boards called "Because I'm Baby Hungry"

I feel as though a large portion of my friends want me to be pregnant. Which is fine by me :) I just find it rather funny. One of my friends says he wants Jayson and I to have kids because he wants to see 'Little Baby Jaysons' running around.

Are you serious dude?! MORE Jayson's?
One is enough...... :p

Is it weird that we already have all our baby names picked out?
Should I tell you what they are?
Or should I hold it in ;)

But I've basically decided that any of my daughters will look like this:
