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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fear of work shouldn't be a factor...

I don't know if most of you readers know, but I am a preschool teacher.
I absolutely
love my job. It's rather demanding some days but mostly, its a breeze. Yes, we do have a structure as far as what our kids learn and we do have to keep coming up with new things to teach, but most of the time I sit and play with them. I also have the opportunity to spend a few hours with our toddlers. For a good 90% of the time that I am with them they are sleeping, which is nice because I basically get to do what ever I want to do (well, get away with it...sort of..) as long as I am there for the kids the moment they need me. I decided that instead of playing Angry Birds on my phone, or browsing Pinterest, I should actually do something useful with my time. I decided to read the scriptures. I mean, I have two hours to kill, I might as well spend it reading!

...ya, that didn't work out so well. I'll be honest, I have never read the Bible completely through. Well, correction, basically I haven't read it at all. I've maybe finished the first chapter of Genesis. I know, I fail... so I'm making it a goal to read through the whole thing. So anyway, I had my mini-Book of Mormon (and I mean that literally. Deseret Book sells pocket sized BoM's for I think... $2?) and I began reading 1 Nephi. I read the first few verses and then decided to switch to the Bible. So I put my BoM away and pulled up the scriptures on my phone. While I read the first two verses, I immediately felt the Spirit. But.... I looked up, and my co-worker was there. Technically, I'm not supposed to do anything but supervise the kids because I don't get a break. Also, we're strictly advised to not be reading any religious books at work. But I thought that since I was reading the scriptures on my phone, it wouldn't be a problem, but I couldn't help but feel like I was doing something wrong... I knew I was breaking one of my rules for work... but at the same time, I felt conflicted because they were the Lord's words that I was reading. How can that be wrong? I was so afraid of losing my job if I got caught, that I put all my scriptures away and just sat there and waiting till one of the babies woke up.

Now that its been a few days and I've had a chance to think about it, I really don't think that I should have let the fear of getting in trouble at work stop me from reading something that I know in my heart to be true. I should be standing up for what I believe in, not hiding in fear of the world... But even though I know I should be 'standing as a witness of God, at all times, and in all things, and in all places,' So why was I too scared to keep reading?


  1. You and I are the same :)

    You're too scared because you have a kind and gentle heart, and don't want to break rules, or hurt anybody. You only want to do what's right and so when you feel like you're doing something wrong, you feel uber guilty and ashamed about it. (at least I do) it's completely normal :) It just goes to show you're a good person, nothing wrong :)

  2. thanks girl :) i still feel bad about it and really really really want to bring my scriptures to work, but then i leave them home and go to work and everything is fine, until nap time..when I'm just sitting there and thinking to myself 'i really should have brough those...' :/ oh well... hah
