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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Patience is NOT my Virtue...

So I kind of love Deseret Book. I'm basically obsessed.

I got a coupon in the mail a few days ago: Get $10 off a $50 purchase. I had to use it, of course. So Jayson and I went to DB yesterday, and I was so excited to go and get a few things that I left the coupon at home.... -_- We were both too lazy to go all the way home, pick it up, and drive back to buy all the things, so I just decided that I would order everything online (I only came to the decision to order online because I was too embarrassed to ask someone where a certain book was.....). So I came home and made my order :)

Now I have to wait.....
I wish I didn't make the order online. I wish I actually got off my lazy butt and either went home to grab the coupon, or waited till today to go back to the store. I was in Downtown this morning for a CPR & First Aide class and a DB was down the street. Now I'm so anxious to get the package and start reading what I ordered that I'm constantly checking my order and looking out the window to see when it will get here, knowing that it won't be here till probably Friday or Saturday of next week...

Lesson Learned: Don't Be Lazy!!!


  1. Hahaha Ash! I love you! And I love your new blog look! :) So cute :) Anyway, I love that you love DB. I always love buying online cause it forces me not to spend so much because I have to pay for shipping, but when I'm in the store, impulsiveness I have! Lol What book are you getting?

  2. thanks girl!!

    i'm getting House of Glory: Finding Personal Meaning in the Temple,Daughters of God, and
    Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society. i'm so STOKED :D
